Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - Strawberry Returns (Grade A)

Good Morning everyone and welcome to Wednesday's weekly WBCR. As you are well aware, in last week's Chapter, the skies shake, an eruption occurs. Who could it be? Could it be what everything was thinking it was going to be or perhaps the least expected? Well, if you guessed the 1st one (what everyone was thinking it was) - you are correct and it's about damn time too because Ichigo plays a pivotal role in this war alongside the heavily wounded Kenpachi Zaraki. At the very start of this chapter, you see Omaeda protecting his Captain from the Wandenreich up until Shinji & Momo show up as back-up. However, there is something, in my opinion, that happens in this chapter that I found rather interesting and badass - protecting Kenpachi. Every Gotei 13 member knows that Kenpachi is a huge HUGE asset to this war and if he's down, then one of the special war potentials is gone and the Shinigami might not stand a chance. In a nuthsell - If player 1 or player 2 (Ichigo & Kenpachi) is defeated - Game over. So it shouldn't come to a surprise that Bazz-B overhears Shinji's talk about backing up Kenpachi and uses....BURNER FINGER #3. This pretty much demolishes the building he's standing upon, but it cuts to another scene where Rukia & Byakuya are heading over towards the wounded Kenpachi only for Rukia to stop and see in awe of the skies. guessed it right, EVERYONE knew who the reiatsu belonged to. Ichigo makes his entrance (although he also managed to land "gracefully.) and it appears that he will fight the Thunderbolt, Glutton, Power, & Zombie sisters in order to protect Kenpachi. I wonder how that will go for the TGPZ Sisters (because remember, I love them). Overall, I dug this chapter for 3 reasons:

1) Ichigo shows up to save Kenpachi
2) Kenpachi is acknowledged as being a HUGE asset in this War
3) Everyone's willingness to protect Player 1 & 2 (Ichigo & Kenpachi)

What I love about this is that everyone was either fearful or hostile towards Kenpachi for holding so much power and not having a Bankai despite being a Captain-Class Shinigami. Now that he's important in the war and could boost up the morale of the allies, everyone has to come to the aid of the Demon himself. It's an important step for Kenpachi because remember, not everyone was a big fan of who he was or how he does things and NOW - things change and for the better - opinions and bias are cast aside in order to thwart a common foe. This shows the level of support and care they have for Kenpachi...even if he is a Demon, he's still a member of the Gotei 13 and is a respectable Captain to his own Division and has, overtime, garnered the respect from others around him. With Ichigo & Kenpachi together, the morale of the enemy forces will deteriorate and boost up our allies. I give this week's Chapter an A.

I hope you enjoyed this week's chapter & WBCR. WBCRs every Wednesday (unless so chapter is posted or Author is on break/hiatus). As always, you all stay classy now Bleach fans (Note: I added pics of the TGPZ Sisters at the end from Chapter)

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