Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - Source Code (Grade: B)

Time truly is a key factor in our daily lives. We take photos in commemoration for what we've just done whether it's spending time at the movies, partying with our friends, or just remembering the memories we hold so dear to our hearts. We can't turn back in time, but we can always relive that moment in the form of memories. For Mayuri Kurotsuchi, it's a game of chess ~ make one move and this'll happen to you, make another and you're sh*t out of luck. Captain Hitsugaya was drugged by Mayuri, but the question is ~ When? Hitsugaya began reliving a certain moment in the past upon killing Mayuri and, much like the plot for Source Code, it happened again and again until the Ice Prodigy realized it was all foul play. Mayuri explicates that if he were to kill him, it's going be on repeat forever, but Mayuri also explicates that if Hitsugaya doesn't kill him ~ he can't face a future. And of course, Mayuri's drug has a side effect and pretty much weakens the zombified Hitsugaya for 30 seconds. And the chapter ends with Mayuri about to administer the final blow to Hitsugaya, but did someone perhaps intervene say Giselle? Overall, this week's chapter was, in a nutshell ~ repetitive. I was expecting a little bit more since last week there was no chapter, but Tite Kubo just loves emphasizing one battle over another. I want to see how the other battles are doing. I find this battle to be whatever and if this truly is the end for Hitsugaya, then I'm sorry to say this, but Tite Kubo didn't end his story properly. Much like the Yammy takedown, that was off-screen and that pissed me off. The only thing that I liked for this week's chapter  was Mayuri's intelligence coming into the mix ~ he's one scary-@$$ captain you don't want picking your brain. When you see that he has everything set in motion, it's kinda of unique to see how his opponents will react to it. I give this week's chapter a B.

So what did you think of this week's chapter? Good? Bad? Meh? Comment below and let me know. As always, look forward to WBCRs every Wednesday (unless no chapter). Until then, you all stay classy now + look forward to Friday's back-to-back posts. BK Round is already posted below. BCC Profile #6 will be up soon. 

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