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Throughout the years


WBCR (Chapters 630-631) - Start of a Friendship

Welcome back to another installment of WBCR posts where I review the recent Bleach chapter and give my thoughts/impressions on what happened as well as give a brief description as to occurred, whether relevant or irrelevant, in the chapter. The grading scale has notably been based on a A-F scale w/A exceeding all expectations as a chapter and F failing completely as it did not deliver. For the most recent chapters, most of them have been getting either Bs or Cs because, despite the build-up and pacing being inconsistent, it still is build-up nonetheless. This week's chapter is a B and last week was a C (Back-to-Back WBCRs) for the following reasons:

Bleach Chapter 640 (Grade: C)
1) Askin be running away from Grimmjow. To me, Askin became somewhat of a joke character ~ sometimes I don't know if I should take him seriously or see him as comic relief. When Grimmjow landed the first attack, Askin ran like a little p*ssy because he wanted to attack them covertly. However, that plan backfired and we see Grimmjow being a badass as usual chasing after an enemy who isn't even worth chasing. Askin, at first, looked like he had potential to be one of the baddest of the bad, but so far, he hasn't really impressed me. All he does is retreat and look for another opportunity. I just find that his retreats either have a rhyme or reason ~ either you retreat to strategize or retreat because your initial plan didn't work. Overall, Askin was "asking" for it when Grimmjow was ready to pounce on him like its supper time.

2) Nobody is tailing Uryu. Of course Uryu's motives are unclear and Jugram sends out people to look after him, but why couldn't they have followed Uryu to begin with? If he's your kin and you still don't have the slightest bit of trust, then of course it's obvious to watch over him in case he doesn't do anything stupid. However, they were caught off guard and it was a HUGE oversight. Who knows where Uryu went and who he'll first encounter. Wandenreich man....they slipping.

3) Bazz & Jugram's fight is the only exciting thing in this chapter. Its revealed they have a history and that it'll spawn multiple chapters. I like this component because it delves right into some history behind the formation of the Wandenreich. I like both these characters and of course I want to know their we get to see it. Bazz is, to me, the Quincy equivalent of Renji ~ even Renji was fond of him the moment they were about to duke it out. This backstory better not disappoint.

Bleach Chapter 641 (Grade: B)
1) It picks off where Jugram & Bazz are about to duke it out and the finally, the backstory is explicated. Seems like the two were hunting as a mean of survival, but the two would eventually start the cliche "opposites attract" friendship. Bazz was more optimistic, brash, and unafraid to speak his mind whereas Jugram was quite, mellow, and distant. From this backstory, we can see that Jugram took a liking to Bazz and Bazz went out of his way to refer to him as one of his followers. They aim to be at the top of their game. However, it was revealed Yhwach was the man responsible for killing Bazz's family. Bazz & Jugram set out to kill Yhwach, but before they can do that ~ they needed his trust. This is very reminiscent of how Gin joined Aizen ~ to outsmart the enemy, you have to be the enemy. Their backstory also kind of reminds me of Renji & Rukia ~ all they had were themselves and they aimed to be at the top of their game as well. The chapter ends with Yhwach explicating what would be the formation of the Sternritters, the vanguard for the Quincy, as well as their next target to conquer ~ Soul Society. Although this chapter ended on a cliffhanger (like most), I ended up liking the backstory and seeing the two eventually grow. I know it'll continue onto the next couple of chapters, but we'll just have to wait and see how their story unfolds while everything is falling into place.

What did you think of the last two chapters? Did it satisfy and deliver or just outright sucked and disappointed? Comment below and let me know. Look forward to WBCRs whenever chapter's out (if delayed, post will be up on Weekends). I apologize again for not having posted last week's WBCR, it won't happen again. Until then, you stay classy as always and look forward to tomorrow's Bleach Fantasy II Round 5 Matchup.

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