Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - All Eyez on Me (Grade: A)

Shinji Hirako, alongside Lieutenant Hinamori, Rukia, and Renji leave as Captain-Commander Kyoraku Shunsui is fighting Sternritter "X" Lille Barro. Everyone is worried for Kyoraku's safety, but Shinji reassures him that if Ukitake or Yamamoto were in their shoes, they'd leave the Captain-Commander alone. They need to have faith in their peers because if they don't, then it'll just be a handicap. Kyoraku makes a bold move in moving right in front of the crosshairs of Lille's rifle, but Kyoraku managed to cut a bit of his weapon. Kyoraku continues to play around with Lille by having his shadows attack him. As Lille is stabbed, Lille's power reawakens as he explains of the true essence of "The X-Axis." Bullets will pass through his body as well as blades being unable to cut. It is of this time that Lille explains once he really opens up all his eyes ~ then a untold power will be unveiled. His form takes on the shape of white-winged creature named Zyrael (God's Judgment) and he immobilizes Kyoraku Shunsui....piercing 3x with uncertainty of how Kyoraku is. Overall, this chapter continues to get better and better because:

1) It looks as if they're preparing to unveil Kyoraku Shunsui's true power
2) Lille is showcasing a form that I don't think any other Sternritter can show
3) Perhaps a look into Kyoraku's backstory?

Like last week's chapter, I'm giving it a Grade: A. It's exciting to see a badass fight, but also be in suspense if Kyoraku survived the attack.

What did you think of the chapter? Did it satisfy and deliver or just outright sucked and disappointed? Comment below and let me know. Look forward to WBCRs on Thursdays (when chapter's released) Until then, you stay classy as always.

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