Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Death God's Bebop (Track #2) - Asterisk

The start of any great series on television broadcast requires an epic opening of what will soon to be the stepping stones of something worth watching, something worth investing in, and something that is well worth the patience to sit through. Yes, as in any TV show, there comes a time in which the introductory song w/title card of the show's name is repeatedly played before the start of an episode. I do not have a problem with this whatsoever because the opening is part of the episode, showcasing that that particular intro is set for that season's arc (in this case #1-25). And it's also the grand setup of our hero to be alongside his soon-to-be badass group we all know and love. The vibes of this introduction just are a pleasure to take in - the epic intro to one of my favorite, if not, best TV shows of all time (in the form of animation). Although in Japanese, the subtitled version of Bleach has the courtesy of translating it for us foreign to the language. One of the lyrics in the song (translated in English) is: "Releasing the light, now we'll firmly pass through time without giving up..." The words in the song (sang by J-rock group Orange Range) are inspiring in which our hero ventures forth into the supernatural, steadfast and strong, and doesn't give up on his obligation to both his home and the homes of the dearly departed. He swings forth the blade of justice to purify pluses and condemn Hollows - a simple time now escalating to what will be an epic story to surface. The imagery of this introduction shows our heroes and the transformation from ordinary high school student protagonist with orange hair to a Death God protagonist with orange hair. It's a kind of vibe that makes you excited to see the start of something so grand that you'll be glued to your seats up until its end run. And with every opening comes bigger stakes at improving and eliciting badassery for our hero and his comrades as they fight off against the supernatural.

If you'd like to hear Bleach OSTs and openings/endings, the album cover w/the track listings is pictured below. Until then, you all stay classy now. Video/Song/Picture courtesy of and

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