Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Recollection #2 (Episodes 3-4 Summary + Review)

On last week's bleach episodes, we dove right in in Ichigo's baby steps as a Shinigami aiding Rukia by slaying hollows, performing Konso, and protecting the citizens of Karakura town. However, a new threat arrives and its eyes are on Orihime Inoue, Ichigo's friend, orange-haired comrade, and love-interest of our main hero. What will Ichigo do? Will he make it in time? And why did Sora become a Hollow? Well, that's why we're here today, to cover episodes 3 & 4. Episode 3 primarily has to do with Orihime and Episode 4 with Chad. It develops their character relationship with our hero as well as create and shape what their roles will be in Ichigo's life.

The Older Brother's Wish, the Younger Sister's Wish - Ichigo and Rukia uncover that Acidwire is Sora's brother, now turned hollow, and is after Orihime. The events transpired after Orihime stopped praying to her deceased brother's portrait and Sora's spirit wandered - lonely, deprived, and saddened, Sora was angry at Orihime. It wasn't until a group of  hollows chased after him and he found himself as Acidwire, going after Orihime at the worst possible time - having a enjoyable time kicking it with Tatsuki. Acidwire make his move against Orihime, questioning why she stopped praying to him, why she made friends, and most importantly - explained that Orihime was linked in Sora's final days as Orihime comes to the realization that their previous argument, the hairpins refusal, and their parents ultimately ended Sora's life and thus explaining why he became Acidwire (Orihime and Ichigo contributed). Acidwire (Sora) removed Orihime's Chain of Fate (but didn't detach or destroy it), meaning she can see what Acidwire looks like and later Ichigo as a Shinigami. And so Ichigo and Acidwire fight and ultimately ends in Sora purifying himself with Ichigo's Zanpaktou and Orihime promising to wear the hairpins, pray to her brother, and explains that she'll always love him. This also marks the episode where Ichigo is ready to approach the responsibilities of a Shinigami alongside

Cursed Parakeet - Chad, one of Ichigo's longtime friends, comes across a talking parakeet that Ichigo and Rukia discover may be a soul (later revealed to be Yuichi Shibata). It later turns out that the Parakeet's soul was once a human named Yuichi Shibata that a hollow, named Shrieker, put the boy's soul in the parakeet. Shrieker, a manipulative hollow, was once a serial killer and he falsely promised Yuichi that he'd revive the boy's mother if he followed Shrieker for 3 months. So now our hero must save Yuichi from Shrieker's clutches and perform Konso on Yuichi so that he may be able to pass on. Chad and Yuichi developed a strong bond, but Chad, being able to withstand and endure pain (ex: falling girder), is still unable to fend himself agains the Hollow as he got, in comical terms "momma say said knock you out!" Even with Rukia's help, they found themselves in a pickle. Rukia finds herself weak in her Gigai form and thus is unable to do any critical damage to Shrieker. Rukia explains that Hollow are able to hide out between the Human World and Seireitei. Shrieker proved to be much to Chad and Rukia, leaving Ichigo tending to Karin, who is aware of Yuichi Shibata's soul. This is a two-part episode (concluded in episode 5).

Review/Thoughts - In terms of content, character development, and plot - it's all canon in Ichigo's friends being able to sense and see Hollows aside from Ichigo, Rukia, and Karin. Orihime's brother, I admit, was pretty lonesome and for doing what he did to Orihime - that goes far beyond what I expected. Orihime learned to better her relationship with her deceased brother, but that doesn't change the fact that what happened happened. But I was amazed that both siblings were able to consolidate their arguments to both be at peace. It also showcases Orihime's dependency on Ichigo for the first time, with much more to come. Ichigo is learning to take up the mantle of responsibility as a Shinigami - helping pluses, slaying hollows, and performing Konso. Chad, on the other hand, has yet to showcase his power and right now, he is in a vulnerable state. Nevertheless, it flashbacks to Ichigo's and Chad's encounter and how they made a promise, thus forming their friendship. As for Shrieker, he's a pretty bad hollow and pretty manipulative (since Hollows just scream and say stuff about eating - overconfidence at its core). For now, it is developing Orihime's and Chad's growth as characters, their relationship with Ichigo, and their influence on the supernatural. What will happen to Chad? Will Rukia be able to take on Shrieker alone? Tune in next week for Recollection #3 Episodes 5-6. Til then, you stay classy and look forward for Friday's Bleach segment.

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