Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - "Fuck it, I'm gonna kill it." (Grade: C)

So let me get this straight ~ Liltotto, Giselle, Grimmjow, and Hisagi were all defeated hella easily. Liltotto & Giselle's confrontation against Yhwach was off-screen and we just see them die. I was very curious to know if they'd live in the end and perhaps make peace with the Shinigami. Nope, they fought and died off-screen and no one bugs an eye. I've said before that I wanted to invest my time with the Sternritter girls, but to lose easily AND we don't see sh*t, c'mon Kubo, why you play us like that? If you're going to make a character defect, we, the audience, want to see their transition from villainy to perhaps turning the other cheek. We don't get that with Liltotto & Giselle. They fell and their transitioning was like the snap of the fingers ~ instant. With Grimmjow, he got poisoned and didn't feel like the enemy was worth a threat. C'mon Grimmjow, I know you want to kick @$$, but not at the cost of you getting poisoned. That is inexcusable for someone of Grimmjow's caliber to get defeated by a coward named Askin. Hisagi getting sniped and supposedly "dying" is a gamble. Did he die or just heavily wounded? We don't know yet. We then cut to Kenpachi & Mayuri facing Pernida, Kenpachi was about to attack, but noticed that one of his arms is out of commission. However, Pernida was also attacked and the chapter ends with them asking themselves ~ Who the F is Pernida? Overall, this chapter ended a lot shorter than most, too many deaths/wounds that weren't developed, and the only saving grace for the chapter was seeing Kenpachi being Kenpachi. I give this week a C.

What did you think of the chapter? Did it satisfy and deliver or just outright sucked and disappointed? Comment below and let me know. Look forward to WBCRs whenever chapter's out (if delayed, post will be up on Weekends). Until then, you stay classy as always. Bleach Fantasy II Round 16 is posted below. 

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