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Bleach Fantasy II Round 17: Shinji Hirako vs. Emperor Mateus of Palamecia

Welcome back to another installment of Bleach Fantasy II where MechG & I once again collaborate on pitting the world of Bleach & the various installments of the Final Fantasy franchise. Last Friday, Bleach snatched a victory away from Final Fantasy (FF still leads 10-6 against Bleach), but many things can happen. Like MechG said, Bleach Fantasy II posts will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays. My daily schedule of Affinity, Watch-list, WBCR, & Throwback posts will be the same as always (if delayed, posts will be on weekends). Without further ado, let's get started on Bleach Fantasy II Round 17 ~ Shinji Hirako vs. Emperor Mateus. Take into account that Storyline and Powers/Abilities are the deciding factors. MechG & I will switch-off ever 3 rounds in giving the verdict. Let's jam!

Storyline (Shinji)
Shinji Hirako, 110 years prior to the start of Bleach's storyline, was the 5th division Captain and his lieutenant was none other than Aizen Sousuke himself. He, alongside, Captains Rojuro Otoribashi (3rd, Love Aikawa (7th), Kensei Muguruma (9th), Lieutenant Lisa Yadomaru (8th), Mashiro Kuna (9th), Hiyori Sarugaki (12th), and Hachigen Ushoda (Kido Corps) were sent to investigate the sudden disappearances of Shinigami. It was around this time as well that Kisuke Urahara was promoted to 12th Division Captain and was to work with loudmouth, brash, & impatient Lieutenant Hiyori Sarugaki. Since the beginning, both Shinji & Hiyori bicker like siblings despite one being a Captain and the other a Lieutenant of separate divisions. As Shinji & party investigate the Shinigami disappearances, they noticed that Kensei & Mashiro were affected by a process known as Hollowification. With Hollows powers corroding their minds, the two acted aggressively and did a number on Shinji & his party. However, it wouldn't be long before Shinji himself was infected with Hollowification and it was a ploy set up by the mastermind Aize Sousuke. Even prior to unveiling his true plans, Aizen was interested in Hollowification ~ transcending a power unbeknownst to anyone. Kisuke would eventually come and save the day ~ taking Shinji & his party to the Human World to escape persecution at the hands of Central 46. 

110 years later, Shinji & his party have had the opportunity to completely master their Hollowfication powers. In realizing Ichigo was a potential candidate to join the Visored (Shinigami who possess Hollow-like powers). Shinji joined Ichigo's class and befriended his classmates just to lure out Ichigo. Shinji first appeared confrontational when Ichigo was spotted looking for a supposed Hollow (Grand Fisher). Ichigo, amazed that Shinji possessed a Zanpaktou & Hollow mask, was in disbelief at first ~ someone else other than him has the same abilities. Ichigo would try and force Shinji to train him to control his Hollow powers, but Ichigo wasn't able to force Shinji. Instead, Shinji enlisted Ichigo into the Visored and informed him of his knowledge of the Hogyoku, Aizen, & Kisuke Urahara. The Visored begin training Ichigo & it wouldn't be long before they all eventually got along due to similar Hollow powers. During Ichigo's first-time have control over his Hollow powers, he fought against Grimmjow, but his mask broke in mid-battle and Ichigo was powerless up until Shinji showed up and did a number on him (not killing him, but severely wounding him). Shinji & the rest of the Visored show up WAY later to help aid in taking down Aizen Sousuke & his remaining Espada. Aizen proved too much for even the Visored that they fell one by one at Aizen's hands ~ even after 110 years, Aizen was still able to outwit, outlay, and outdo them in every turn. Sometime after Aizen's imprisonment, Shinji takes up the mantle as 5th division Captain again alongside Hinamori and are currently at war against the Wandenreich. 

Storyline (Mateus)
The backstory of Mateus’ upbringing has been debated as canon or non-canon to the official FFII story arc, but it’ll deserve honorable mention to fill the backstory portion. According to legends, the Palamecian emperors are cursed with a long line of demonic influences as a result of the world seeking revenge. Prior to ascending to the throne as the next emperor, Mateus continued that trend, making a pact with Satan himself to help him become more powerful and possess the ability to summon demonic forces from Hell into the mortal realm. In his first act ascending to the throne as the next Emperor of Palamecia, Mateus exiled his mother to the deserts as she was trying to attempt to break the long cycle of demons controlling previous emperors by restoring Mateus’ sanity.

Emperor Mateus begins his world domination by unleashing the demonic forces to attack the kingdoms of Fynn, Kashuan, and Deist, the notable kingdoms a part as a resistance to bring down the perennial power of the Palamecian Empire. Since the kingdom of Deist, was home to the Dragoons and they are dependent on the wyvern population, Mateus poisons the wyvern’s water supplies, almost putting the wyvern to extinction and leaving the Dragoons demoralized. After that event, the Wild Rose Rebellion was formed by the Kashuan Kingdom and the Fynn Kingdom, but eventually Fynn fell under Palamecia’s hands and Mateus begins his construction of the Dreadnought airship, capturing Princess Hilda and holding her up as a prize for a tournament in which Wild Rose member, Firion and his group participated in. Eventually Firion and the Wild Rose freed the Wynn Kingdom from Mateus’ hands as well as destroying the Dreadnought, leading to Mateus to summon a cyclone to destroy nearby towns. The Wild Rose rebels confronted Mateus in the heart of the cyclone and eventually kill him. However, Mateus used his death as means to enter the realm of Hell, defeating Satan for control and returning to the mortal realm in a more demonic form, and bringing the Hell capital of Pandaemonium to the mortal world’s surface. Firion and the other members confront Mateus yet again in his new form and they kill him once again, but again, Mateus wouldn’t go away as his imperial soul divided into two to represent rule over Heaven and Hell and it took Firion and his party to attack him on two fronts in both Afterlives to finally kill him off for good. 

Powers/Abilities (Shinji)
Being a Visored, Shinji possesses enhanced agility, durability, & physicality than he was a Shinigami. He displays a Hollow Mask & his able to fire a Cero (notable when fighting Grimmjow). Since he is 5th division Captain, Shinji is a Captain-Class & possesses tremendous amount of reiatsu. He is an expert in swordsmanship, hand-to-hand, Shunpo, and is highly intellectual. Shinji's Zanpaktou is titled "Sakanade" (Counter Stroke) that is able to distort someone's perception of direction (an optical illusion). This means that when under Sakanade's spell, the opponent is thinking the reverse ~ right is left, left is right, up is down, and down is up. 

Powers/Abilities (Mateus)
To begin with, Mateus is incredibly powerful with or without the demonic powers. Aside from his ability to summon a devastating cyclone to destroy towns, he can cast a lot of heavy lightning-elemental magic spells and can lift his own castle and turn it into a mobile fortress. As mentioned, he was strong enough to defeat Satan for control over Pandaemonium and Hell itself and by assuming control of Hell, he also controls Heaven. In his Hellish, demonic form, as Emperor of Hell, Mateus learns some even powerful spells, able to drain an opponent’s lifeforce and use it to replenish his strength, and is almost invincible against physical attacks and as mentioned, he brought Pandaemonium to the surface of the mortal realm and can use demonic forces as his pawns before the battle actually goes to him, he can also summon the demonic forces in his mortal form due to the pact with Satan. In his heavenly form, as Emperor of Heaven, Mateus is more powerful considering he can possess the ability to resurrect a whole population of souls of dead people to fight on his side and he can cast a handful of devastating light/dark magic spells. 

Verdict (By Stillmattic)
And the winner is...
This battle was completely one-sided from the get-go. We have the main antagonist of FF II going up against the 5th Division Captain within the Gotei 13 who managed to almost die in every battle he's been in (excluding his training with Ichigo & his little act against Grimmjow). Somehow, I found it hard to belief that Shinji would stand a chance against the like of an Emperor. First off, despite the Emperor's motives being cliche like world domination, it doesn't change the fact that he's more menacing, has an onslaught of abilities that are completely devastating, and has a more elaborate story in FF II than Shinji does in Bleach. Mateus can level towns and Shinji can distort a person's sense of direction ~ I wonder which is more fearsome to face. It's between Absolute Death or Absolute Confusion. Mateus' light half is also said to be more powerful than that of his Hell half, Holy Crap are we screwed. He has the ability to revive the dead and, according to the FF Wiki page, Mateus can defeat Satan in Battle (this is of course in the novel of FF II). Reiterating again on Full, Half, & Empty Plates ~ It's definite that the Emperor has a Full Plate. Where does Shinji fit in all of this? Well, it's impressive Shinji was able to master his Hollow powers, but he still wasn't able to defeat Aizen, almost died fighting the Wandreich, & to top it off ~ I don't really find him as compelling as others. He has a unique Zanpaktou, but once someone deduces its abilities ~ it's VERY easy to bypass. Even though Shinji is a Captain again, it doesn't chance the fact that he now is downplayed a lot since we first met him. I know Kubo drew him way before Bleach began developing more, but to me, Shinji was never a match against the Emperor. This victory goes to Mateus. 

So who do you think won this matchup? Shinji Hirako from Bleach or Emperor Mateus from Final Fantasy II? Comment below and let us know. Reiterating again, Bleach Fantasy Round II posts will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays w/MechG & I interchanging every 3rd matchups on giving the verdict. Bleach Fantasy Round II standings (11-6):

1) Yoruichi Shihoin vs. Prishe ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by MechG)
2) Uryu Ishida vs. Hope Estheim ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by MechG)
3) As Nodt vs. Vincent Valentine ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by MechG)
4) Kenpachi Zaraki vs. Jecht ~ Bleach (Verdict by Stillmattic)
5) Shunsui Kyoraku vs. Auron ~ Bleach (Verdict by Stillmattic)
6) Sui-Feng vs. Tifa Lockhart ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by Stillmattic) 
7) Mayuri Kurotsuchi vs. Barthandelus ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by MechG)
8) Sajin Komamura vs. Sin ~ Bleach (Verdict by MechG)
9) Toshiro Hitsugaya vs. Kuja ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by MechG)
10) Tia Harribel vs. Tidus ~ Bleach (Verdict by Stillmattic)
11) Bambietta Basterbine vs. Rinoa Heartilly ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by Stillmattic)
12) Riruka Dokugamine vs. Ultimecia ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by Stillmattic)
13) Baraggan Louisenbairn vs. Exdeath ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by MechG)
14) Ginjo Kugo vs. Caius Ballad ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by MechG)
15) Coyote Starrk vs. Cloud Strife ~ Bleach (Verdict by MechG)
16) Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck vs. Kefka Palazzo ~ Bleach (Verdict by Stillmattic)
17) Shinji Hirako vs. Emperor Mateus ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by Stillmattic)

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