Throughout the years

Throughout the years



Good morning everyone out there. Sorry I haven't been able to post up any Bleach opinions since it was the Holidays and all, but here I am, in 2012, ready to get back into gear and start writing again Bleach. As you may know, Bleach wasn't released this week because they're on break. As much as that upsets me, we have to cut them some sorta slack. I mean they make magnificent (sometimes) chapters per week with beautiful artistry, memorable characters, and kick-ass attacks. Bleach (both anime and manga) will be returning January 11. As for last week's (year's) bleach chapter, I have 3 words: WTF!? I mean this is what you'd call closure when you know the story isn't honestly progressing anywhere. I mean Ginjo died really quickly. Jackie's back? How? I thought she sacrificed herself, but it seems that she miraculously came out alive with her Fullbring powers gone. But wait....IS it true that when someone loses their Fullbring that they die as well? And what of Urahara & Isshin? What are their roles? Did they have any purpose whatsoever in the arc? I mean this chapter could've done much better, but I think Tite Kubo rushed it so he can have a early Holiday. However, I am not super angry (yet). Riruka is alive! YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will she be a part of the gang now? Why was she crying when Tsukishima is no longer alive, but wait....wasn't he being carried by Moe? Even though I've been ranting on and on about this chapter, I'm still hopeful that Bleach will continue to thrive since a much longer arc will begin. Don't lose your hope yet in Bleach. Anyways, the new post was posted last week (year) on your opinion if you like the current Bleach arc. My next Bleach post will be either Friday-Saturday. 

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