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Throughout the years


Bleach Segment Fridays (#2) - Zangetsu = Juha Bach

So this week's installment of Bleach Segment of the Week is no surprise - Zangetsu. I mean I went in length on the WBCR, but it seems that he is now the talk of the Bleach franchise. I mean we all know Ichigo and Zangetsu go together like Salad and Dressing, but it seems as if its apples and oranges now with the big reveal - Zangetsu is Ichigo's Quincy power. I mean that moment stood out for all Bleach fans, like it or not, it just happened. Zangetsu's appearance has been compared to Juha Bach since his appearance as this arc's Antagonist. He's been around for a long time and went further to killing off Old man Yama just like that, his henchmen doing much damage, but the real Juha going fatality on Old man Yama's ass. So this very scene in the manga depicts the moment of Zangetsu's importance as he is Juha Bach 1000 years ago and represents Ichigo's quincy powers meaning - he never was Ichigo's Zanpaktou power, but most likely an aid for his future battles up until he uncovers the truth. Note that the filler arc of Zanpaktou tales is most likely NOT linked to the current arc in the Manga. I mean this has been plaguing people's minds once this revelation was shown in this week's Bleach chapter. I wonder what what will happen next week because with this Revelation, we are diving into Ichigo's quincy powers and his inner hollow turns out to be his actual Zanpaktou, not Zangetsu. In fact, he's NOT Zangetsu, he's Juha Bach.

So that concludes this week's Friday segment. I mean it shouldn't come off as a surprise that I chose this as the segment today because, ya'know, it got all Bleach fans speculating, questioning, and ranting on about this revelation. Tune in on Sunday for another Throwback of Bleach.

P.S. Made recent changes to blog. New background, Daft Punk album in the background, and new color scheme w/scrolling posts from the start to current on the side.

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