Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - I am, but I am not (Grade B)

So ladies and gentlemen, the latest chapter was released this morning It pretty much can be summed up in 3 words: continuing revelation chapter. You are well aware that Juha Bach was Zangetsu in the last chapter from 1000 years ago as explained in my last bleach chapter and segment. This chapter pretty much continues that, but with Ichigo nonetheless still taking in the fact that his "Zangetsu" was Juha Bach. Ichigo is pretty much in denial and for many reasons. He's been forging his power alongside "Zangetsu" who helped him complete his training against formidable foes (such as Kenpachi). He fought alongside "Zangetsu" as if he were an inner extension of himself that represents his Shinigami powers. However, this isn't the case as "Zangetsu" represented Ichigo's Quincy powers, NOT his Shinigami powers. Ichigo comes to the stunning realization that Juha Bach looks like Zangetsu (or Old Man by Ichigo). "Zangetsu" goes on to and says that he is Juha Bach, but not at the same time. He doesn't represent good or bad, but only serves as Ichigo's quincy powers. Ichigo, at this point, is in complete denial and confusion. Up until now, "Zangetsu" has truthfully been giving Ichigo wisdom and fortitude, but his only deception was his name. Ever since "Zangetsu" taught Ichigo about his Zanpaktou, it was his Ichigo's powers that were used at that time and when Ichigo was in peril, it was Ichigo's hollow that helped him out, NOT "Zangetsu." As said above, "Zangetsu" didn't want Ichigo to become a Zanpaktou and because of it, he had no choice but to become Ichigo's primary source of power. He feared Ichigo, being a Shinigami, would put his life at risk at every peril Ichigo would encounter and that "Zangetsu" would eventually cut him down, but this changes. He saw Ichigo constantly training and improving himself despite the struggles and perils he had to go through. It then shows "Zangetsu" saying he's at peace and whatnot, believing that Ichigo overcame all the ordeals. He adds on to say that he'll relinquish his hold on Ichigo as he withers away and reveals - the real Zangetsu and that what Ichigo was previously using was only a fraction. And that's pretty much the chapter.

Not much to say since I covered it all, but it seems that Zangetsu was meant to be Ichigo's blade, the real one at that. It's so blinding that it concludes the chapter at that. What will it look like? Will it be as as badass ad before? Now that Ichigo's hollow represents him, will he still have the mask? Overall, I thought this chapter was okay. I mean there wasn't much buildup, it's just repeating itself w/little more dialogue. The real Zangetsu reveal is the big question, but other than that, it was a average chapter that took less than a minute to read and I was expecting more. Tune in Friday for Segment of the week.

Grade B 

Link to latest chapter:

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