Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Affinity #8 - ByaRuki (Rukia & Byakuya)

The most famous brother-sister duo in all of Bleach, the Kuchiki(s) - Byakuya and Rukia. If it weren't for Rukia, we wouldn't have bleach and if it weren't for Byakuya, Ichigo's visored powers wouldn't be relevant. So now, why do I hold this affinity at such high regard? Well, its simple - these two are badasses. From Rukia's Sode no Shirayuki to Byakuya's Senbonzakura, their Zanpaktou's power isn't something you'd want to F with. Ice and a million or more blades too hard to grasp, the brother and sister's spiritual powers and variety of attacks make them unique Shinigami and apart on their own level. Both were able to defeat an Espada, both suck at drawing/sand sculpting, and both hold Ichigo to high regard. Rukia is Byakuya's wife's little sister. This is why Rukia and Hisana, her elder sister, look quite alike. Here is the two side by side (or in this case up and down) -

See the difference? Well there is one difference, the bangs from their hair. Rukia has one and Hisana 2. Now that we got that out of the way, what makes this brother-sister duo so strong is their loyalty, love, and respect for one another. Byakuya was seen first as the enemy, disregarding his own bias and allowing justice to be served to Rukia. This makes Ichigo's character stand in the way between the two and why it has brought the siblings closer together. Thanks to Ichigo, Byakuya revealed the truth behind Rukia's adoption into the Kuchiki clan, her similarity and discovery of Hisana Kuchiki, and aiding in all of the battles we've seen to date. Byakuya even pointed out that when Zommari pointed his blade at Rukia, it was pointing at Byakuya's pride. To which I say, these two siblings have each other's backs and are important to the Bleach universe with their badass Zanpaktou, personality, and sucky at drawing and sculpting. So I hoped you all enjoyed today's affinity and between Wednesday-Friday, expect the Recollection post. Until then, you all stay classy.

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