Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Revisiting - Vegeta vs. Ikkaku (Craving the Fight)


So one of the fights I've neglected to expand on was the Vegeta vs. Ikkaku fight in which I gave the clear victory to Ikkaku clearly on the basis that Vegeta is more hotheaded than Ikkaku + Ikkaku calculates his opponents more. But let's be honest, I was lazy that day and I was only thinking of brains over brawn. That's not fair since both are known for their strength, their rivalry/friendship with their equal, and their admiration of fighting stronger and stronger opponents to best themselves. So let's reevaluate this one more time because let's be honest, there were fight night Mondays in which I was either lazy or unable to expand on a certain character. We're not gonna go off history or anything, but let's decide the main factor - their fights

Ikkaku: Ikkaku has had his fair of victories over defeats. The most notable defeat in his life was against Zaraki Kenpachi and after that, Ichigo. However, the most disappointing fight of em all was his fight against Choe Neng Poww, in which he failed to protect one of the barriers protecting the Human World & Soul Society. This not only was disappointing, but he lost simply because he is secretive about his Bankai. YES - Ikkaku lost because he has a secret he doesn't want the whole Soul Society to know. This leaves him weak at some points, but when it came to fighting Edrad, he showed off his Bankai since no one was around. But with Poww, he had a choice to fight at full strength, but didn't. This leaves Ikkaku at a big ass disadvantage when it comes to fighting strong opponents - he simply would die than to let his Bankai be shown...and that's not fair on Ikkaku.

Vegeta: Oh boy, Vegeta is by far one of the most badass characters in all of Anime. The catchphrase everyone knows pretty much sums up Vegeta. He's had his fair share of losses against Goku, Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu, and the list can go on. But that doesn't mean Vegeta's weak - he bested Frieza's underlings, the Ginyu Force, Nappa, and again the list can go on. But what makes his defeats pretty bad is that he dies and later resurrected thanks to the Dragon Balls. But to think Vegeta is a hothead, well he is. But think - he is Goku's equal- he can mess up Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Yajirobe anyday. He can go all the way to SS4 and that's quite a feat since he and Goku can accomplish that. I mean yeah he is short-tempered, but we all know - he power level has excelled beyond 9000!!!!!!!!

Verdict: So in terms of power, let's decide this once and for all on one factor - Ikkaku's Bankai and Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta. Now once is afraid to show off and the other clearly doesn't mind at all. The problem is Ikkaku no confidence whatsoever to showcase what he's capable off because he wants to remain under Kenpachi's command. But for Vegeta, he may be a follower undr Goku, but he has proven to be a badass #2 as he & the Saiyans do their upmost to kick alien ass - in style. So this revisiting of my fight night post will change as the victor will be....

So who do you think won this fight? Don't judge the previous post, judge this one. I hope you enjoyed my revisiting of an old fight night post and until then, you all stay classy! 

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