Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Throwback #24 - Too Bad Kon!

Remember this omake? Kon, believing he'll get the ladies, takes the body of Hanataro Yamada, 7th seat of the 4th division. Hanataro's Zanpaktou, Hisagomaru, allows him to heal others with his sword (rather than inflict damage, it heals injuries) and then transforms to Akeiro Hisagomaru - a worthless knife that can't for sh*t and is incredibly weak after emitting the accumulation of injuries into one single blast. So Kon is once again Johnny Bravo in this case - wanting the ladies, failing miserably, and laughing at Kon's efforts in vain. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of Kon - he's annoying, became a side character, and is a moron. Hanataro, no lie, is more interesting than Kon's character strictly because he played a pivotal role in rescuing Rukia Kuchiki as a member of Ichigo's crew. So this omake is a reminder of Kon's stupidity and learning of Hanataro's weak-ass Zanpaktou, which, to be honest, is a pretty funny combo if you think about it. So Kon, though serves no purpose as much anymore, will keep on going after BEEBS and failing miserably and as for Hanataro, I haven't seen him since he attempted to rescue Rukia when she was under Zommari's control (the 7th Espada). Hope to see more of Hanataro and his clumsy ways (he may be weak, but he could become stronger).

Hope you enjoyed this week's Throwback and until then, you all stay classy now!

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