Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Genkai vs. Kisuke Urahara (The Masterful Teachers)


Welcome to our 3rd Installment of Bleach Hakusho Month. If you haven't yet, check out the other two previous Bleach Hakusho posts provided below:

Well then, let's continue on with the Teachers. These two prominent figures played a pivotal role in developing our main characters (Ichigo & Yusuke). Wise and powerful, these two teachers did whatever it took to train their students not only to reach their true potential, but have the ability to lead, forge, and set a path for themselves. You could argue that both Bleach & Yu Yu Hakusho had a lot of teachers, some better than others, but Kisuke & Genkai that stood out for me as the ideal teachers in their respective series. Without further ado, it is the matchup of who the better teacher is - The former 12th division captain or the creator of the Spirit wave? I will be comparing the following: History, Power/Strength, and Relationship to Protagonist. 

History (Genkai)
Long before meeting Yusuke Urameshi, she, alongside friend and eventual enemy Toguro, took part of the Dark Tournament and won. Toguro was made into a full demon whereas Genkai detached herself from him, not wanting to have part of demons. A once beautiful girl in Toguro's eyes has now grown old, but with what she lacks in age she makes up for in experience, power, and wisdom. Under the mantle of Genkai, it wouldn't be long before she meets her favorite student (dimwit), Yusuke. As the creator of the spirit wave, her mastery of this technique has been renowned by pretty much everyone. She holds the Genkai Tournament where she held a tournament to see who she'll train as a disciple and eventually taking part alongside her student, Yusuke, in the Dark Tournament to face off once and for all Team Toguro, wanting to cut all ties with him. After the Genkai and Dark Tournament, it wouldn't be long before she assists Yusuke in the Chapter Black Saga and appears again in the end, deeming her will of her estate to Yusuke & friends. Genkai, from the get-go, has helped out the former Sprit Detective and, even in her old age, her strength and wisdom is unmatched. 

History (Kisuke Urahara)
Long before meeting Ichigo, he was part of the 2nd division in the Gotei 13 alongside his longtime friend, Yoruichi. He was then promoted to Captain of the 12th division and, alongside Hiyori and Mayuri, transformed the 12th division. He is known as the creator of the Hogyoku, but was unable to harness its power, thus was unable to find a remedy for the hollowfied Shinigami (Shinji, Love, Rose, Mashiro, Lisa, Hachigen, & Hiyori). He was banished from the Soul Society for "conducting experiments," but Yoruichi swooped in, saved him (alongside Tessai & the Visored), and went on to live in the human world, to escape persecution. It wouldn't be long before Kisuke Urahara meets our hero, Ichigo, and has since then training Ichigo on his newfound powers and abilities, Kisuke knows the ins and outs of the Soul Society and thus was able to help out Ichigo's development. However, on the side, Kisuke's Hogyoku was stored inside a Gigai (Aka Rukia's human body), but Ichigo and the ohters figured it out and Urahara apologized for deceiving/keeping it a secret. Long after, Urahara has gotten involved with Ichigo's affairs and will do whatever it takes to stop Soul Society's enemies. 

Power/Strength (Genkai) 
Genkai is the very person who created the Spirit Wave and was the original owner of the Spirit Wave Orb, the very center of Genkai's technique and power. Genkai, years after her departure from Toguro, has perfected her technique - the body itself becoming a weapon. This enables her spirit energy to shape and form around her martial arts and thus creating multiple attacks from her technique - Spirit Wave, Spirit Shotgun, Spirit Reflection Blast, Spirit Cuffs, and at the heart of it - the Spirit Wave Orb. Genkai, during the Dark Tournament, did a # on most of the opponents including Shishiwakamaru, the beautiful Suzuki (Suzuka in Dubbed), and Dr Ichigaki's human puppets (3). She also has the ability to heal, put back a person's soul in their body, and form protective barriers. Her most impressive feat is being able to exert her power by manipulating her cells - going from old lady to young woman, where she was at her strongest (prime). 

Power/Strength (Kisuke Urahara)
Kisuke is smart, innovative, and is quick to observe the strong and weak points of his enemy. Aside from the creation of the Hogyoku, Kisuke is quite skilled in hand-to-hand fighting since he was a former member of the 2nd Division (Stealth/Assassination Division). In his fights, he's learned to make Gigai copies as a ploy for the enemy (EX: against Yammy), is masterful in Kido (EX: against Aizen), and let's not forget - he possesses Benihime, his Zanpaktou. Being one of the former Captains of the Gotei 13, his Zanpaktou has the ability to analyze, shape, and create whatever with his crimson-colored energy emitting from his Zanpaktou. He is able to stand on par with Yammy and do little damage to Aizen (who at this time is influenced by the Hogyoku's will). There's so much he can do with his Zanpaktou, but most of all - his innovation and quick-thinking always give him the upper hand. 

Relationship w/Yusuke
Genkai thought of Yusuke as a dimwit and rash, but as time progressed, Yusuke learned and mastered Genkai's technique and abilities. He not only has Genkai's abilities, but now Yusuke can fight on equal footing with high-class demons such as Toguro & Yomi. Genkai thinks of Yusuke as both a pupil and kinda like a son. It's funny that despite Genkai and Toguro's fight, Toguro, just like Genkai, cares for the wellbeing of Yusuke - he'll only become stronger and is capable of even more feats. Genkai by any means isn't a pushover and will train Yusuke to his bones until he is disciplined and willing to accept that Yusuke is a prodigy under the renowned Genkai. 

Relationship w/Ichigo
Kisuke sees Ichigo as a friend and as someone who is special, capable of impressive feats, and is the one that can put an end to Aizen's plot. In the beginning, Kisuke trained Ichigo harshly, even going out of his way to kill him if Ichigo doesn't step his game up. This not only shows Kisuke's willingness to help Ichigo discover his true potential, but the discipline needed for Ichigo to unlock it. Kisuke, at times, can be a joker, but his intentions were never meant for bad. When he told Ichigo of the Hogyoku's whereabouts in Rukia's Gigai, Kisuke ultimately made a 50/50 gamble that could've backfired and destroyed the trust and friendship of Ichigo and his friends. Kisuke, however, was forgiven and still remains a loyal ally alongside Ichigo.

And the winner is....
Kisuke Urahara, former 12th captain of the Gotei 13, has a lot going for him. Due to the creation of the Hogyoku, he has hurt his fellow comrades, allowed Aizen to get his hands on it, and ultimately it did considerable damage to the Gotei 13. Kisuke is the heart of it all - creating both a gift and a curse. This puts burden on Urahara considering it's his fault on the creation of the Hogyoku. Through his innovative, wisdom, and unique abilities, Kisuke has proven that even in banishment, he is still a force to be reckoned with. Despite his faults, he makes up for it by assisting Ichigo & his allies. Urahara primarily was never content from the get-go, placing heavy burden on his part due to his own mistakes in the past that altered the fate of Gotei 13. As a teacher, he may be laid back at times, but he won't hesitate to put up a fight. And what's worse is the idea that we have no clue what his Bankai can do, but his Shikai is both an offensive/defensive weapon capable of handling each hazard carefully. Genkai is a great teacher, a powerful fighter, and a wise old woman, but it seems like her role after the Dark Tournament with Toguro has been full of content. Finding a disciple, giving him/her her abilities, and retiring (death in manga) after a long time - Genkai had no regrets. The only regret she had was Toguro's transformation, but assisting Yusuke in his endeavors proved that even at her age, she still showed promise. Genkai may be the creator of the impressive Spirit Wave Ord, but Kisuke has created a substance that blurs the line between Shinigami & Hollow and, to me, they are both impressive feats. In the end, Kisuke is the clear winner.

Bleach Hakusho posts on Monday will be posted between 7:30-9:30am
Bleach Hakusho Posts on Wednesdays, Fridays, & Sundays will be posted between 10:00am-10:00pm

So I hope you enjoyed this week's Bleach Hakusho post and WBCR (down below) and as always, you all stay classy now. 

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