Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - He's back!!! (Grade A+)

YES! Kenpachi Zaraki appears at the very end of this chapter to save the day. Before his arrival, some things happened - a new Stern Ritter appeared who has the ability to make his imagination a reality, Guenael is killed by the Stern Ritter Guremi, and supposedly, according to Isane, Kensei & Rose are indeed dead. So this week's chapter got a lot better when I saw Kenpachi at the end to save Yachiru, who was struggling against the new Stern Ritter - Guremi. Guremi killed off Guenael for being weak (despite saying that his abilities are unique) and supposedly Kensei & Rose, but Yachiru wasn't about to give in since she just released her Zanpaktou. However, the enemy caught her attack and Yachiru's bones suddenly felt like they were breaking. Guremi explains that what if Yachiru's bones in her arm were made of cookies and, wouldn't you know it, her arm gave out and she could no longer stand. And before Guremi could do anything, Kenpachi comes crashing through the wall, wondering what the fuss was all about with Yachiru's reiatsu being low and realizing it was "this little sh*t" behind it all. Overall I love this Chapter - a welcoming back to my favorite character, Kenpachi Zaraki. I am also curious of what Guremi will do next and if Yachiru will continue fighting. I also am curious to know if there is a way to revive Kensei & Rose back or if what the new Stern Ritter is saying is true. He could've easily manipulated Isane into thinking that they were already dead (Think about it). Pretty damn good chapter - Grade A+. I hope you enjoyed this week's WBCR and as always, you all stay classy now. The Younger Toguro vs. Kenpachi fight will be up later. 

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