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WBCR - Arrancars vs. Zombies (Grade: B)

First off, that face Giselle made to Bambi was pretty hilarious and creepy. I mean, look at it. I had to crop it out of the original page and make a Meme out of it because it was too good to let it go to waste. It's like a Troll face, it's funny, yet disturbingly annoying. That's the way I saw this picture. So this week's chapter was relatively short and can be summed up in 3 points:

1) Bambi wants Giselle's "D"
2) Mayuri has a new contraption against Bambi
3) Resurrected Arrancars vs. Zombied Shinigami

Without further ado, let us discuss the 2 highlights of this week's chapter (excluding the Giselle Troll face since I made it the Graded Meme photo).

Highlight #1 ~ The "D"

Upon discovering Mayuri's presence, it not only annoyed Giselle, but also the wounded Ikkaku & Yumichika (FYI ~ it was pretty funny that Yumichika knew it was Mayuri beforehand because of his weird fashion sense). However, one of the first things that happen is Bambi being like "I want Gigi's....Give want..." Is Bambi really asking what I think she's asking? Did she turn into a Zombie Whore, wanting to chew off guy's D's because she is, after-all, obedient? NO, as a zombie ~ Bambi wants flesh and who better to beg for than the very person who turned her into a whorish zombie ~ Giselle. However, Giselle b!tch slaps Bambi and she apologizes. To make the context of this entire scenario worse, Giselle responded with "Trust'll get what's coming to you WHEN this is all over." The context of this entire scene is just so damn funny that I forgot that their's a fight going on between Giselle & Mayuri. Bambi begs not to be punished, but doesn't that necessarily mean she wants to be punished by wanting Giselle's "D" or perhaps taking a bite of his flesh? Maybe I'm reading a little too much into this + I am completely 100% making the context of this scene hella perverted. I feel pretty bad for Bambi because she had so much potential, but had to go K.O. by Komamura hella fast. She still looks good though and, if I were in Giselle's shoes, I'd treat her more nicely and feed her a little something something (Okay, no more pervertedness).

Highlight #2 ~ Arrancars vs. Zombies 

Soooooooo.....let me get this straight ~ Mayuri is a mad genius who is beyond upon sympathy, empathy, and reasoning and upon discovering that his fellow Shinigami brethren are now zombified, Mayuri resurrected (or brought back) a buncha of Arrancar that, in my opinion, are the most forgettable ones ~ Charlotte Chuhlhourne, Luppi Antenor, Cirucci Sanderwicci, and Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio. So you got one of Baraggan's Fraccion, the temporary 6th Espada, and 2 Privaron Espada. First off, why not someone cooler like Nnoitra, Starrk, or even Yammy? Why these people? Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them ~ I just found Mayuri's selection of resurrected Arrancars to be random. Charlotte's abilities are pretty weird, Luppi died hella easily, Cirucci is the only female Privaron Espada (who could be hot at times), and the babbling & overdramatic Dordoni. These are the mofos who are gonna, without mercy, take down the zombified Shinigami? I mean Mayuri figured out how to manipulate Reishi and pretty much stop the flow of Bambi's explosions, but you're telling me that when it comes down to resurrecting Arrancar to thwart the zombified Shinigami (because after all, Mayuri could care less and so chose people who could give less than 2 sh*ts) ~ You choose 3 babbling idiots & a goth chick? I don't know the reasoning behind Kubo's direction on which Arrancars are going to fight in the upcoming war, but man this 4-team group is hella random. I know I'm repeating myself, but it has to be noted ~ the last page showing these 4 hella caught me by surprise.

Overall Thoughts
So what did I think of this week's chapter? Did I like it or did I not like it? Well, to be honest I liked it ~ I just found it to be funny (because of Bambi) and random (because of Mayuri's selection). The setup is there and it is clearly noted that the Arrancars will participate, but I never knew it'd be the forgettable ones or perhaps the heavy artillery will come in later. I don't hate those Arrancar at all and it may be a breath of fresh air to see them again in battle, but are they going to still have their personalities? Charlotte and Dordoni are overdramatic ~ so does that mean we'll see that again? (If not that's coo). As for Bambi, I think the context of that whole scenario could be misrepresented and I don't think I'm wrong on this one. I mean how Bambi said it with her mouth open and Giselle's response ~ doesn't it kinda look like a Porno? Giselle is the master and Bambi's the b!tch? Yeah, that sounds about right. Overall, I was very entertained by this chapter because it not only caught me by surprise, but when a chapter can make the context of something sound hella's not only hilarious, but you'd also (maybe) wish it could be exactly what you think it means ~ maybe Bambi wants the bite off. I give this week's chapter a B.

What are your thoughts on this chapter? Comment below and let me know. As always, look forward to WBCRs every Wednesday (unless chapter is on hiatus or Golden Week). Be sure to also check out the BK Rounds 1-9 and look forward to BK Round 10 & Throwback this Friday. Until then, you all stay classy.

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