Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Affinity #49 - Gangster & Gentlemen

In the Fullbringer Arc, a very unusual friendship is between Shukuo Tsukishima and Moe Shishigawara. Moe is a hotheaded high school student w/a gangster like persona and Tsukishima is a composed individual who is fond of books. Do opposites attract in this case ~ Yes. Moe is dedicated and fearful of Tsukishima to the point where he doesn't dare cross or question him. Like a loyal foot soldier, Moe is only looking out for Tsukishima's interests and even in death, Moe shows genuine care and respect for him. Tsukishima, despite his calm and composed nature, loses it when Ginjo is killed ~ the very man who saved him was no longer in this world. To me, Moe is the thing keeping Tsukishima at bay. His calm composure is attributed to his devotion to Ginjo and Moe's willingness to follow him wherever. A gangster and gentlemen needing one another is unheard of, but in this case ~ friendships can be found just about anywhere.

I hope you enjoyed this brief Affinity. As always, look forward to Affinities every Tuesday. Next Tuesday marks the 50th Affinity post and I will be posting my top 10 official favorite couples. Until then, you all stay classy now + look forward to tomorrow's Back-to-Back posts.

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