Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Criteria for the BCC (Judgment on the Hotties)

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed yesterday's final BK post (Bleach won 13-10 against MK) and the very 1st BCC Post. I wanted to reiterated once again the criteria on how I judge the Matches. Much like Bleach Hakusho & Bleach Kombat Month, the criteria for those Matchup(s) were based on the character's story and their overall powers/abilities. When judging them, MechG and I chose 3 routes:

1) Full Plate/Empty Plate (Story) ~ explaining the character's involvement in story as well as the importance of their role alongside other characters (Full Plate) OR explaining a character's blandness in a story that could potentially build up that character in the future (No Plate)

2) Hypothetical Route (Powers/Abilities) ~ hypothetically speaking, who has an advantage over the other in terms of powers/abilities.

3) Potential (Character Development) ~ explaining the character's development in the story as either grand or minuscule, but overall leaves an impression nonetheless.

With BCC Month, the criteria for the Matchup(s) are based on 3 different things that I'll reiterated again so as to avoid confusion/cause misunderstanding on decision. Though BCC isn't  based on the character's story or even if they possess powers/abilities, their overall impression/development in their respective franchise is very key. Allow me to explain:

1) Personality (Likability) ~ With any character, you want to feel invested with their world. What do they do? What are their hobbies? How do they act towards others? Their overall likability is the basis of why characters are the gravitas (important) in any book, movie, TV show, etc. Much like Potential, Personality displays the development of that character as they interact and leave an impression on the audience.

2) HCA Levels (Character) ~ With any character, male or female, we want to see how they look. You can't judge a person without looking them in the eye first. HCA stands for Hotness, Cuteness, & Adorableness. Hotness relates to a character's overall look ~ are they good lucking, are they ugly, or are they just bland? Cuteness relates to a character's charm, but could also mean a person's appearance (Cuteness is related to Hotness). Adorableness relates to a character's attractiveness/appealing nature.

3) BEEBZ ~ Is there anything else to be said? This is a factor relating to their exposure of skin to the audience (Adorableness Factor), but it doesn't necessarily constitute that bigger BEEWBS = better person.

Deciding on the BCC Post #1 ~ When judging the very first BCC post, I gave the victory to FMA's Izumi because her overall impression in their franchise left more of an impact than Ikumi is Bleach. She was more fleshed out as a character, but she was still a very likable, hot, and cute character. With Ikumi, she wasn't fleshed out enough, but I still found her to be hot, cute, and have incredibly large BEEWBZ compared to Izumi. I didn't say they were adorable because at the time, I didn't explicate whether or not the characters were appealing/have attraction. I mainly focused on the in-depth personality/development and I gave it to Izumi mainly because of that. The BEEWBZ decision is opinionated, but NOT the deciding factor. BEEWB size or not, the character's impression is more important than their looks. So the first BCC post was a trial and I still stand by my decision ~ Izumi from FMA wins.

Thank  you so much for allowing me to reiterate the rules of BCC. In future BCCs, I will judge them accordingly based on the criteria set above. As always, look forward to BCC Month from August 25th-September 29th on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays and I'll see you all tomorrow for weekly WBCR + BCC #2. Stay classy!

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