Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - The Wind (Grade: B)

So this week's chapter didn't appear on MS at first, but rather on MP (MangaPanda). What are my thoughts on this week's chapter? Well, it gets a huge thumbs up for killing off Pepe because man, Pepe was weird as f*ck and nobody liked him. His abilities and demeanor came off more as creepy than creative and I'd gladly punch a wall in happiness over his defeat than to watch Pepe alive again proclaiming his twisted version of Love. So this week's chapter is relatively straight-forward: Pepe dies, Yhwach is frightening, & Ichigo goes to Royal Palace. Simple, right? Well yeah ~ that pretty much sums up the chapter and so begs the question - Why a Grade: B? Well, B isn't bad at all, but it certainly isn't Grade: A material. Nothing stood out and we all know the Anime cliche of villains ~ overpowering as F*ck even to the most powerful of men & women. Only the youthful champion wielding his duel-wielding kitchen knives can help save the day from evil's reign. While this cliche does annoy me, the concept itself can't simply be forgotten since we, the audience, like to see the odds of good vs. evil. The odds of Yhwach overcoming adversity is extremely high since he fathers the Quincy and is ultimately a God-like being. With good, it's a test to see if they can overcome this adversity or rely on our main hero. That's why I gave it a B because it could've added more, but instead we are at the point where it's building & building inch by inch until the ultimate match between good vs. evil will decide the fate of the Human & Shinigami Worlds. Yhwach's new Sternritter, Nianzol Weizol, can pretty much change the direction of attacks ~ making it difficult to attack an opponent let alone touch them, but the ability itself isn't original by any means. Other than that, Pepe getting devoured by Liltotto was just pure awesome and I can't wait to see what Liltotto will do next. I stand by my verdict ~ Grade: B.

So what did you think of this week's chapter? Comment below and let me know. As always, look forward to WBCRs whenever the chapter becomes available. Until then, you all stay classy + BCC post is posted below.

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