Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - Askin is "Asking" for it (Grade: A)

Alright, this chapter was hella short and to be perfectly honest, it didn't disappoint me one bit. Oetsu of the Zero Division pretty much mopped the floor with Gerard (Thor), Pernida, Lille, & Askin. However, Askin is literally "Asking" for it when he stands back up and comments that his Majesty (Yhwach) chose him because of his ability to not die/survive fatal injuries. Regardless of how serious the injury may be, Askin's power is more of a curse than an actual gift. It's unknown of the other 3 will stand back up, but for now ~ it's Oetsu vs. Askin. Before Lille met his supposed demise, he explicates that Oetsu's tacking down of Gerard was a gimmick as he points out the jelly-like substance made Oetsu's blade flawed and shaky to its hilt. In the MS translation, Oetsu explains that the name of his blade is called Sayabuse and its a failed creation ~ unable to be chipped or have a drop of blood imprinted on it. It's the kind of blade that's sheathe is impossible to craft and the type that cannot coexist with any other Zanpaktou in the Seireitei. And that ends the chapter. I personally dug this chapter because of how incredibly fast Oetsu did away with his opponents. Despite the newcomers not really showcasing much (especially Pernida), Oetsu's badassery makes up for it because he's a member of the renowned Zero Division, the creator/father of the Zanpaktou, and this chapter really dug into how no one should F with the Zero Division....especially Oetsu. However, Oetsu has his work cut for him since Askin can survive just about everything and anything, right? This week's chapter is a A ~ astounding to see the Zero Division kick some major @$$. And, like the meme suggests, FUCK YEAH!

So what did you think of this week's chapter? Good? Bad? Somewhere in the middle. Comment below and let me know. As always, look forward to WBCRS whenever chapter's available. Until then, you all stay classy now. Throwback will be posted later (or latest by Midnight). 

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