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BCC 2 Match #8 ~ Ayane vs. Hinata Hyuga (Dead or Alive/Ninja Gaiden vs. Naruto) ~ Kunoichi Fight 1


Welcome back to another installment of BCC 2 with featured collaboration from my best friend & author of the Trueraiderlaker blog,  MechG. BCC 2 is pitting the best of the best when it comes to Videogames & Anime. The emphasis on BCC (Big-BEEWBED Catfight) is on the lovely ladies from each franchise, judging their story, personality, and appeal as the basis of the subject matter as well deciding on the consensus on whose the better woman in our personal opinion. So far, the Videogame Babes are still leading 4-3 against the Anime Cuties. I judged last week's posts, but this week MechG will take over in deciding the consensus. Today's Matchup is what I'd like to call Kunoichi I ~ Ayane (Dead or Alive/Ninja Gaiden) vs. Hinata Hyuga (Naruto). Let's jam!

Story (Ayane)
Ayame, the wife of the Mugen Tenshin clan leader Shiden, was raped by her husband’s older brother, Raidou, conceiving Ayane. Due to the dishonorable birth, Ayane was nicknamed the “the cursed child” throughout the village and they exiled her. She was taken in by Genra, her foster father and the two had a good father-daughter relationship. Ayane also formed a friendship with Kasumi and an intimate relationship with Hayate while she was training to become a shinobi of the shadows. In typical Maury fashion, Ayane eventually learned the truth about her real upbringing, finding out Raidou and Ayame were her biological parents and Hayate and Kasumi were her half-siblings. Angered by her past, Ayane’s friendship with Kasumi withered away and she grew jealous of her since Kasumi was treated more like a princess while she was shunned away by many. In the first DOA tournament, Ayane attended the tournament with the motive to kill both Kasumi and Raidou since Kasumi broke the honorary rules of being the clan leader and was branded a “run-away” shinobi and since Raidou left Hayate seriously injured in his return to the Mugen Tenshin village. Unfortunately when Ayane fought Kasumi, Kasumi eventually defeated her and had the privilege to take down Raidou. Since then, Ayane slowly tries to accept Hayate and Kasumi as family after receiving a pep talk from Ayame that their “bonds were stronger than the shinobi code” as she was about to commit suicide for disappointing Hayate. Currently, she’s the master of the Mugen Tenshin clan’s Hajinmon Sect.

Story (Hinata)
Hinata is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga Head. Because she's the heiress to the Hyuga Clan, her father expects a lot out of her. Relentless training over family, Hinata found herself struggling to cope with having a childhood AND pleasing his father. Hinata is also cousin to Neji and both became Ninjas of their respected teams later on, bearing a grudge/distaste for one another because of the history of their fathers. Hinata, from then on, goes on various missions and showcases her Hyuga Clan abilities, notably Byakugan. She learns to become more confident and determined in everything she does and at the end of the series, marries & porks her one truly love, Naruto Uzamaki. Together, they have kids: Bolt & Himawari. To be honest, with a series so long and focusing on mainly Naruto, it's hard to cover all of other character's story. I just gave a cliffnote version ~ goes on missions, fights in war, confesses love, and finally had SEX with Naruto that gave birth to two kids. Naruto's lucky that that @SS got pounded....believe that! 

Personality (Ayane)
Ayane pretty much had an f’d up childhood that’s why she has a detached, cynical personality. She is motivated to prove herself and to others that she is the best kunoichi in the game. When you try her with a sorry character like Kasumi, that’s the result you gonna get! Don’t you ever talk about her! (Thanks for the interruption Richard Sherman). She is indeed condescending, especially towards Kasumi and she  despises anyone that dares to reminisce about the past (so, if I told her about the Lakers’ 16 titles and the Raiders’ 3 Super Bowl titles while we’re on a date, ok ok, I think we know the end result). However, despite her deadly, secretive, and determined demeanor, she is not all cold; she has an affection for Hayate, and has a good father-daughter relationship with Genra. They’re pretty much the glue for keeping Ayane mentally stable and losing her relationship with either of them will make her unstable. In the words of CM Punk, I dig crazy chicks.

Personality (Hinata)
Hinata, at first, was a timid and soft-spoken Kunoichi. She has the hots for Naruto, but was afraid to let her feelings be known. It doesn't help either than Naruto doesn't know any better (clueless romantic) and he had a thing for Sakura. However, I think every Naruto fan knew it was bound to be NaruHina all along. So when Naruto Shippuden came around, Hinata matured. She was more out-spoken, more dependent, and became more confident in front of her crush, Naruto Uzamaki. She even confessed during a life & death battle against Obito/Madara ~ That takes Balls (well, Ovaries for women). I praise Hinata's newfound determination to fight for what she believes in and protect something worth fighting for. Hinata, you've grown so much in your time and you've become a splendid Kunoichi. 

Appeal (Ayane)
I’ll admit, I’m not too fond or attached to the DOA series as much as Stillmattic is (he has my number in the games, all-time). But there’s no denying, it’s not just Ayane who’s so hot and gorgeous, but all the DOA girls are with their BEEWBZ and their swimsuits whose posters you just want to hang up on your wall and “MASS-TUR-BAIT” to. No doubt, Kasumi and Ayane headline the hotness of the DOA females. But in terms of Ayane, who doesn’t want to turn down a pretty face with purple hair, wearing a revealing outfit with her cleavage showing? Dat swimsuit tho.

Appeal (Hinata)
When Hinata was first introduced as kids in Naruto, I had no interest in her. She wasn't as hot as Sakura or Ino I thought to myself, but everything changed when I saw her appearance in Naruto Shippuden. DAYUM, what happened to Hinata? She had a big-@$$ growth spurt as her hair grew longer & her BEEWBZ got oh so defined. I mean, you see the picture above? Though Shino's into bugs, I'd think he'd take a little peek underneath that dress. I would, who wouldn't? It came to a point where I thought Hinata was legitimately hotter than Sakura & Ino combined. Yeah, she got that hot. Dat dress tho. 

Verdict (By MechG)
And the winner is...
I am not totally politicking on this when doing this verdict. Obviously, Naruto has a long-@$$ story than DOA, and I’m sure it’s an amazing one, it’s pretty much unfair to judge when I have so little knowledge on the Naruto story arc. So, I’m not going to factor in story here shockingly too much, even though I consider myself a story guy. I’m just getting back into Anime guys. I laid low when DBZ ended and when Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece were at their peak. However, in terms of personality and appeal and as well as memorability, hands down, Ayane wins this one. My question is who in the heck would find any girl from any franchise sexier and more appealing than any girl from the DOA franchise? I mean, it’s not even close. Now some of you may think I’m basing this verdict just on appeal, but I really do like Ayane’s personality more because she is driven to be the best kunoichi there is, the best kunoichi there was, and the best kunoichi that ever will be and to be the best, you gotta beat the best, hence in this case with her rivalry with Kasumi and it always looks like she is a woman on a mission. In terms of memorability, Kasumi vs. Ayane is to DOA as Ryu vs. Ken is to SF and as Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero is to MK. That is the bread and butter that makes the DOA franchise so memorable. As a casual, when you think Naruto, the first characters that come to mind are Naruto himself, Sasuke, and Sakura. Hinata, huh? Who? Case closed, Ayane wins, even though I honestly admit that I judged this one handicapped.

So who do you think won? Ayane from DOA/Ninja Gaiden or Hinata Hyuga from Naruto? Comment below and let me know. As always, look forward to BCC 2 Matchups on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays all throughout December. Until then, you all stay classy now. Videogame Babes lead 5-3 against the Anime Cuties. Also be sure to check out MechG's blog: that covers sports-themed topics on the LA Lakers & Oakland Raiders.

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