Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Legacy #22 - Yu-Gi-Oh

It's time to Da-Da-Da-Duel! If you haven't heard of this franchise, then you've probably weren't around when this began. Spawning 224 episode Anime series in the early 2000s and a renowned variety of cards, Yu-Gi-Oh is right up there with Pokemon as being one of the most famous Anime(s) growing up as a 90s kids. The main protagonist is renowned for having spiky yellow/purple hair, his trademark "It's time to Duel" slogan, and the renowned cards he possessed: Blue Eyes White Dragon, The Dark Magician, and Red Eyes Black Dragon. Now, Yu-Gi-Oh has expanded and, to be perfectly honest, I haven't watched any of the new episodes because, for one, it has different characters. Secondly, the amount of cards they've created is just too damn high. I lost track after GX was broadcasted ~ it no longer appealed to me because the formula grew stale. The original is where it's at and, much like Pokemon, Digimon, & DBZ, its predecessors are always more memorable than its revamps. Growing up, I was fascinated with just the artwork on the cards ~ so much detail went into each card. Much like Pokemon, the design and naming of each of those creatures is just creative. The creative process to expand a franchise that's all about a over-the-top card game of monsters & traps ~ it was every kid's dream of wanting to be like Yugi. To me, this nostalgic Anime, though cliche, was very entertaining, but the part I got out of the series was trying (in vain) to collect/trade the cards and dueling my friends on whose the better duel master. Was I good? Well….average at best.

I hope you enjoyed this week's Legacy post. Look forward to Legacy post on Thursdays. Until then, you all stay classy now. WBCR & Throwback will be up tomorrow. 

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