Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Throwback #87 - You protected me so in return, I'll return the favor

I've said it before many times that I love Nelliel and when she embraced the sh*t out of Ichigo, it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Nelliel's affection to Ichigo of course stems from Ichigo protecting her when she was in child-form. It's the "Knight in Shining Armor saving Damsel in Distress" cliche, but hey ~ wouldn't it be the cutest thing if the Damsel in Distress saves the Knight in Shining Armor? It's a different take on it and I've talked about it briefly many times before on the blog, but it has to be addressed again since Nelliel just made her return in the recent Bleach chapter. Nelliel's involvement, though minimal, has had a huge impact on her character as she suffered a lot because of Nnoitra and has found a hero in Ichigo. Now that she's back in her adult form, who knows how strong she's gotten. Hell, even Grimmjow wanted to duke it out with her since Grimmjow still be all arrogant and sh*t with his bravado. When Nelliel went out of her way to save Ichigo, I thought it was awesome. Seeing Nnoitra getting the sh*t beaten out of him was priceless and despite Nnoitra getting stronger, it didn't the fact that Nelliel was still able to stand toe-to-toe against him. Nelliel is grateful for everything Ichigo's done, but now ~ Nelliel wants to help out. In doing so, she feels that she's obligated in protecting him the way he had done to her. Nelliel knows that Ichigo alone cannot stop the war, but she also knows that she can be an asset that's greatly shift the war in their favor. Nelliel is just so cute! Ichigo, you a lucky sonuvabitch, you know that?

I hope you enjoyed this week's Throwback post. Look forward to Throwback posts on Fridays. Until then, you all stay classy now.

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