Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Throwback #91 - #Teamwork

Teamwork can make a huge difference when it comes to overcoming the odds. How does one assist and call it Teamwork? Does one selflessly stand beside you and give you guidance? Does one give hope that they aren't the only ones going through the struggles of reality? OR...perhaps one uses another person as a cannonball and call that Teamwork? Either way, it is helpful in some sort of way and it's better than fighting alone. Enter Chad, who just stumbled upon his power of enhanced brute strength as shown when he sporadically punched a Hollow despite not having seen it physically in front of him. Enter Rukia, a Shinigami who is sent to the Human World to kill Hollows & bring peace the deceased souls. What happens when a Shinigami whose lost half of her power wants to aid a man who is known for his strength & durability? Well, you use the Shinigami as a cannonball in attempts to thwart the Hollow from causing any more havoc. What more can go wrong? Well this attempt wasn't 100% successful, but it only paved way for Chad to become even stronger and realize he is full of potential. This also showcases how much Rukia has long upon relinquishing more than half of her power to Ichigo....she is even more limited than usual and has to resort to using others to get the job done...aka #Teamwork.

I hope you enjoyed this Throwback. Look forward to Throwbacks on Fridays. Until then, you stay classy. Bleach Fantasy II Round 7 is posted below. WBCR will be up between tomorrow-Sunday. 

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