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Throughout the years


WBCR - A Mad Scientist's Hard-on Part 3 (Grade: C)

Continuing off from last week's chapter, it seems Mayuri is only getting more curious about his enemy, Pernida. Pernida is the Soul King's left hand and it can infiltrate nerves. Mayuri read long ago that each of the Soul King's arm represent something ~ The Right represents "Stillness" and the Left represents "Progress." Mayuri was skeptical at first because as a scientist, he wants to witness things firsthand. Mayuri uses his Bankai and, surprise surprise, Mayuri reconfigured it ~ Golden Ashisogi Jizou Demon Womb Wrapped in Disease. Mayuri explicates that it's a metamorphosis and it can give birth to new Ashisogi Jizous. The Ashisogi Jizous have nerves on the surface of their skin and have split across 70,000 different epidermal layers. This means that even if Pernida were to attack, the epidermal layer will just shed. So unless Pernida can go through 70,000 layers of nerves, Pernida can't really do anything. Pernida is swallowed whole and that's the end of the chapter. Honestly, I can sum up the chapter by repeating what I said in last week's WBCR - "This was a VERY short read and there's not much else to say. Mayuri cannot contain his excitement and simply wants Pernida to be his test subject. Like last week, I give it a C. It just needs to speed the F up."

What did you think of the chapter? Did it satisfy and deliver or just outright sucked and disappointed? Comment below and let me know. Look forward to WBCRs whenever chapter's out (if delayed, post will be up on Weekends). Until then, you stay classy as always.

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