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Bleach Hakusho 2 Round 2: Aaroniero Arruruerie vs. Elder Toguro


Welcome back to another installment where I pit the worlds of Bleach & Yu Yu Hakusho (YYH abbreviated). So far, YYH leads against Bleach 1-0, but within September, anything can happen. Bleach Hakusho 2 Fight Night posts will be on Mondays & Fridays all throughout September. Without further ado, let's start off the 2nd Matchup ~ Aaroniero Arruruerie vs. Elder Toguro: The Battle of the Creeps. Take into account that Storyline & Powers/Abilities are the deciding factors in these Fight Night posts. Let's jam! 

Storyline (Aaroniero)
Aaroniero was once a Gillian (weakest class of Menos) before he came an Arrancar and is considered the last of the first-generation Espada. Aaroniero, at a point, devoured the abilities of Metastacia, the Hollow that killed Rukia's superior, Kaien Shiba. Not only was Aaroniero successful in attaining Kaien's powers, but also his appearance as well. Aaroniero is briefly shown during the birth of Wonderweiss (alongside Starrk, Harribel, Ulquiorra, Nnoitra, & Yammy). He was physically shown when the Espada were gathered by Aizen to discuss the issuing pertaining the sudden intrusion by Ichigo, Uryu, & Chad. Aaroniero crossed paths with Rukia and even used Kaien Shiba's appearance to fool her into thinking that he was the actual Kaien Shiba. Everything was playing along so well up until he gave Rukia an ultimatum ~ Kill her friends and in return, Rukia will be forgiven for her "crime" in killing Kaien Shiba. Rukia, easy to see through this, attacked Aaroniero and knew that the real Kaien would never tell her to do such a horrid thing. The two fought & Rukia barely was able to win against Aaroniero by impaling his/her head. Aaroniero is the first Espada to fall victim to Team Ichigo. Of course, the other Espada didn't really give two sh*ts with the exception of Zommari.  He reappears later alongside Szayelapporo in Hell where they both wonder why they're there and then they encounter Shuren. Shuren, alongside his comrades, kills both the Espada with ease. 

Storyline (Elder Toguro)
Elder Toguro, alongside his brother, are part of the renowned Team Toguro during the Dark Tournament Saga. Before that, however, the Toguro brothers were hired by Gonzo Tarukane to make Yukina, an ice apparition, to cry because her tears are morphed into gem stones. After Yusuke & Kuwabara fought against the Triad, the Toguro Brothers fought and intentionally lost to the duo to make room for the Dark Tournament where Yusuke & Younger Toguro would have their bout. During the Dark Tournament, Team Toguro fought Team Gorenja and Elder Toguro easily killed 3/5 of its members. Team Toguro would finally meet their demise at the hands of Team Urameshi as Kuwabara dealt a devastating blow against Elder Toguro. However, before Yusuke & Younger Toguro fought, Elder Toguro was discarded by his own brother who considers him "Dead." It didn't take long before Elder Toguro was taken in by Shinbou Sensui and was eaten by Gourmet to have a new body to recuperate in. He eventually met his end by Kurama, who plunged him in the Sinning Tree, a hell of hallucinations that goes on forever. 

Powers/Abilities (Aaroniero)
Aaroniero's Ressurrecion is titled Glotoneria (Eating Hollow in Japanese) and its ability to swallow any Hollow and manifest itself into his own power. This means the more he eats, the powerful he becomes. When Aaroniero devoured Metastacia (Aaroniero body-melded), he also devoured Kaien Shiba's abilities ~ his Zanpaktou's power, Nejibana, was at his disposal. Aside from his true form, Aaroniero is an expert swordsman, has keen intellect, is a Sonido expert, & has great spiritual power due to being an Espada. 

Powers/Abilities (Elder Toguro)
Elder Toguro was once a human, but requested to be turned into a demon shapeshifter. By manipulating the anatomy and physiology of his body, he ca move about his organs freely so that anything his opponents hit isn't vital or lethal. He can elongate his fingers to pierce his opponents as well as being able to transform upon will (EX: turning into a shield or sword). Upon being eaten by Gourmet, Elder Toguro inhabited his body and, much like a parasite, took possession. Since then, he has the ability to use telepathy & absorb one's power (in the Chapter Black Saga). Elder Toguro is the longest living antagonist in YYH, being introduced at the very end of the Spirit Detective Saga up until the Chapter Black Saga. 

And the winner is...
To be honest, this was a one-sided fight where I intended to give the victory to YYH just on the basis that Elder Toguro is a more interesting & menacing character, has much more story involvement (was involved in multiple arcs), and on top of that, has much more to offer in terms of powers/abilities than Aaroniero does in Bleach. So where do I begin with this one? Aaroniero is my least favorite Espada and despite having the ability to devour other Hollows and manifest it into his own power, it still wasn't enough to stop Rukia and none of the Espada gave a sh*t about his passing because, well, Aaroniero's a loser. He, like any other over-the-top villain, thinks he's the sh*t just because he's an Espada - he clearly underestimated Rukia's abilities & believed that by disguising himself as Kaien, it would've been an easy win. Nope, Aaroniero may have Kaien's face & abilities, but not his heart. Rukia was easy to dispose of Aaroniero in her Shikai no less. With Elder Toguro, his transformation from human to Demon showcases just how far he's willing to throw away his Humanity for the sake of obtaining power & longevity. He & his brother were both renowned & feared by just about everyone and when someone can freely move their organs so that it's impossible to hit a vital spot on his body, then you know he isn't to be trifled with. He's a parasite and like any parasite, he can possess others and manipulate them to do his bidding. Elder Toguro was able to do considerable damage to Kuwabara AND still live afterwards despite the injuries. Being eaten by Gourmet only made it possible for Elder Toguro to have a new body that he was free to use as he saw fit. Overall, Elder Toguro is a much more menacing villain and is no pushover. Aaroniero sucked in every way and I wasn't the least bit interested in his development. This victory goes to YYH.

So who do you think won this matchup? Elder Toguro from YYH or Aaroniero Arruruerie from Bleach? Comment below & let me know. Look forward to BH 2 posts on Mondays & Fridays all throughout September. Until then, you stay classy. YYH leads 2-0 against Bleach. 

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