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Throughout the years


WBCR - Into the Abyss (Chapters 647-648)

Welcome back to WBCRs where I cover the latest chapters on Bleach and give my thoughts/impressions on it. It's been quite the read since we've just witnessed a very awesome and epic moment ~ Shunsui Kyoraku went full Bankai. His opponent Lille is, of course, oblivious as to what his Bankai can do and the chapter ends with him getting f*ed over. Chapter 647 literally was setting up Kyoraku into using his Bankai whereas in this week's chapter, we see Kyoraku's Bankai affect everyone around them including: Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, & Ganju. From what I've observed, Kyoraku's Bankai allows him to change the perspective of the environment around him as something dark and depressing. With this, a sensation of fear and melancholy engulfs everyone. Lille, of course, tries to do away with him, but has sunk into Kyoraku's Bankai and may not see the light of day. Literally, these two chapters were short and straight to the point ~ Kyoraku sees that fighting Lille will be problematic and so uses his Bankai and pretty much goes full bad@$$. We've been waiting for awhile to see his Bankai and to be honest, it's very much like Kyoraku. Playing games & f*cking around with the senses ~ all a trick up Kyoraku's sleeves. While Kyoraku prepares to fight, Renji prepares to fight the Thor-looking Sternritter and Ichigo and Askin just confronted one another. So next week's chapter is looking pretty interesting. For these two chapters, though short, I'm going to give it an A. Great seeing some questions answered (What's Kyoraku's Bankai?).

What did you think of the chapter? Did it satisfy and deliver or just outright sucked and disappointed? Comment below and let me know. Look forward to WBCRs on Thursdays (when chapter's released or on weekends if delayed) Until then, you stay classy as always.

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