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Throughout the years


21 Questions #2 - Is Bleach my favorite of the Big 3, Do I wish I were a Shinigami, and What is my preferred weapon?

Welcome to another segment of 21 Segments where I give/answer explicitly on 3 Bleach questions. Agree/Disagree, but these are strictly opinionated and isn't bias against any person or person(s). You, the audience, are welcome to give your input in the comment below on your answers to the given questions. So the starting questions for today include:

1) Is Bleach your favorite of the Big 3 (Bleach, Naruto, & One Piece)
2) Do you wish you were a Shinigami?
3) What is your preferred weapon (ex: sword, spear, etc)?

What's your favorite of the Big 3?
Contrary to what others may say, I will openly admit Bleach isn't my favorite of the Big 3. It is, in actuality, One Piece. However, there is one discrepancy in my reasoning ~ I read Bleach every week whereas with One Piece, I skim through it. Ironic since I know Bleach inside & out and with One Piece, I can get the gist of what's going. I read a lot of Bleach & One Piece character & story bios and to be perfectly honest, One Piece offers more content and it never gets stale. One Piece offers much more excitement and their fights are, despite it being perceived as crazy or over-the-top, are actually entertaining and have much more heart than in Bleach. One Piece has been going on longer than Bleach and it begs the questions ~ Why is it that One Piece never gets stale, but Bleach is? It's a matter of content, originality, and creativity. Not trying to say Tite Kubo is lacking anything, but he can learn a thing or two from the author of One Piece ~ spice things up a bit rather than turn into another DBZ, elongated and predictable. It's weird that I mention I like One Piece more than Bleach and yet I have a blog dedicated to Bleach and not One Piece. I know enough of One Piece to start a conversation, but not enough to thoroughly explain what happened in its entirety ~ only snippets or glimpses. So yeah, One Piece, in terms of story, character developments, abilities, and pacing, is much MUCH more interesting than Bleach. As with Naruto, it was Meh for me and I will admit, the ending of Naruto was boring and felt rushed. Bleach is still ongoing, but it's clear it's going to end sometime this year whereas with One Piece, it has so much more that I'm looking forward to One Piece chapters than Bleach. I know it's ironic or downright hypocritical that I said this, but my decision is final ~ I find more One Piece appealing than Bleach.

To be or not to be a Shinigami?
Having the ability to wield a Zanpaktou, help out spirits, fight Hollows, and preserve the peace of multiple words may sound like a hand-full, but I wouldn't mind becoming one. It sounds fun for the most part + you get a muthafuck*in Zanpaktou. The abilities I'd possess ~ the possibilities man. It'd be a mantle of responsibility to carry, but as a Shinigami, you're preserving the peace & order of its people. I'd be a Captain and have an awesome Squad ~ we'd all play & kick @SS together (much like the 11th division). So yeah, I'd definitely want to be a Shinigami ~ responsibility, respect, and kicking @SS & taking names.

What's your weapon of choice?
To be honest, I've been a fan of swords ~ katana, wakizashi, uchigatana, & nodachi(s). Spears are awesome too, but something about the way of the sword it just so commendable. Others may think it's just a tool of destruction, but it's not. The people nowadays believe weapons are dangerous and only bring more harm than good, but you have to think about why you're wielding it in the first place. The idea of weaponry is so misguided that not many believe that it's supposed to be a tool of peace ~ to preserve order & justice. The Shinigami in Bleach never hurt others unless they were in danger. In situations like that, you have the right to defend yourself. However, I do not condone violence or killing in any way, I'm just saying that if I were a Shinigami ~ I'd say a Katana is a badass weapon that can restore peace, order, & justice in a world full of atrocities.

So what are your thoughts on the 3 questions posted above? Comment below and let me know. I do apologize again if it seems as if my answers felt rushed. I'm still tuning out the loos of this segment. Until then, you stay classy now.

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