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Bleach: Y U CONFUSE ME!? -Bleach 518-

So I believe it's been a week since the last Bleach chapter was released. Zero division arrived, Ichigo is told to go with them, & a certain someone from Hueco Mundo is on the other line. So the question remains: How was this week's chapter? Overall rating, Good, but confusing as shit. Allow me to explain some things: Ichigo's sword can't be fixed, but they can forge something that'll look like it. That's 1. Ichigo & the Zero Division use Kukaku's Cannon to go to the Spirit Palace. That's 2. And 3 - Kisuke Urahara & Ichigo talked. Those were the only things I got. And now here are the confusing things

1) A certain someone (probably Grimmjow) is in the background as Ichigo & Urahara were talking. If you see on one of the pages, you can see the person's sleeve rolled up - most likely Grimmjow.

2) Kukaku brings up Ganju to help out Ichigo by training with the......Fullbringers?

3) Kukaku states that if Ichigo didn't go with 0 Division, then the Gotei 13 would likely be gone even if it means disappointing "Uncle?" (Are Ichigo & Kukaku + Ganju related? Is this some sort of conspiracy relating to Kaien Shiba on why Ichigo looks like him?)

#2 is probably the most controversial because in the last arc (felt like a filler), Ginjo, Giriko, & Tsukishima were "buried." Giriko was cut in half by Kenpachi, Tsukishima succumbed to wounds inflicted by Byakuya, & Ginjo hopelessly lost to Ichigo. So why the F are they alive and helping out the Soul Society now? I think that there return could be forced (I hope not Kubo, I hope there's an explanation to this because I'm curious on how the dead could come back to life *snap* like that). #1 is the least controversial because a lot of people say its either Grimmjow or Isshin. Now the 3rd one, does this have to do with Ichigo looking like Kaien Shiba? If it is, then okay then, but I REALLY WISHED THAT THE SPIRIT KING WAS SHOWN IN THIS CHAPTER RATHER THAN WAITING FOR ANOTHER WEEK! DAMN IT! I mean it wasn't disappointing, but it was far from awesome. It's an "okay" chapter that leaves room for interpretation (Why Fullbringers? Why Grimmjow? Why "Uncle?"). So I give this chapter a C. Here's my new rating system:

A for Awesome/Ahhhhh Yeah!
B for Badass/Ballistic
C for Crazy/Confusing
D for Dang!/Da Fuq?

Check out more Bleach chapter reviews for the next upcoming week. VOTE on the new Poll.

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