Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - The successor is.... (Grade A)

So this week's chapter is strictly fixated on Juha Bach and his Stern Ritters. The Big Big news that many have wondered about last week's chapter is this, Uryu Ishida is the successor to Juha Bach & The Vandenreich. Not only did this come to a surprise to the Vandereich, but Uryu is considered a "noob" to the Vandreich and him standing on the same ground as Juha Bach was just a lot to taken in. This, however, didn't bode well for one Stern Ritter who went by the name and letter Bazz-B "H." This mohawk looking guy seems to be causing trouble as he completely is unconvinced that Uryu should be the successor. IF anything, it should've been Jugram Haschwalth (designated letter "B"), but Jugram doesn't wish to question Juha Bach or his intentions on choosing Uryu. In fact, Bazz-B created the conflict in this chapter. He doesn't for one second believe Uryu should be on equal grounds with Juha Bach because he is a stranger to the Stern Ritters. Uryu is without question a strong Quincy, but where his power is compared to Juha Bach is questionable. I did say before that Uryu & Ichigo are on par with another, but is Uryu stronger than the other Stern Ritter? So Bazz-B throws a tantrum, tells Juha Bach to reconsider, and looks as if he were about to start a fight with Jugram. However, the fight comes to a halt when a fellow Stern Ritter by the name Askin Nakk Le Vaar (designated letter "D") stopped the fighting from getting out of hand. Bazz-B is pissed, saying that he's calm and all doesn't bode well if Juha Bach were to catch Bazz-B. His actions would be inexcusable and Bazz-B would've been done for. However, with Askin stoppin' the fight, there's something that caught my eye. Askin refers to Jugram as "Next King." Askin said (referring to Jugram) - "You especially, you'll become nothing more than 'poison.'" So what does that mean? Juha Bach is emperior, Uryu gets designated letter "A," and Jugram is referred to as "Next King." Does that mean Uryu is Stern Ritter "A" and Jugram will become the next King or the opposite or.....what does it mean!? Anyways, this leaves a question on Uryu's intentions and Jugram's character, the girly looking man whose always beside Juha Bach. A cliff ladder, but nonetheless, a great developmental chapter on the Stern Ritters & the newly appointed successor, Uryu and the mysterious "Next King" position of Jugram.

By the way, did you ever catch on to these names? Forgot the letters for a second, check out the unique names:

1) Mask De Masculine "S"
2) BG9 "K"
3) Cang Du "I"
4) Bazz-B "H"

Each designated with a letter, does that mean A-Z is from strongest to weakest? Is it order of rank? Birth? Age? I want more clarification on the letter designation, but I say that this chapter was pretty good and a good start on setting up the brawl with both sides putting their lives on the line. Trust issues aside, where will Uryu go? Good or Bad? Jugram? Is he the next King? Bazz-B, will he give in to this newfound news about Uryu? And the other Stern Ritter, what do they believe? All we know is that we need more explanation since Bazz-B and the other 3 Stern Ritters (mentioned above) are just as confused as Bazz-B is. This week's chapter, much like Uryu's letter, will be an: A. Check out this week's latest chapter on: 

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