Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Death God's Bebop (Track #9) - A Requiem

Remember this piece? It's a song of nostalgia - thinking about the scope of something you may or may not yet realize, but the thought is there. The realization of something that is beyond minimal, the weight of it all is beyond measurable. Like a burden that is shouldered by one person and eventually is carried by others to help lighten the weight. This song depicts realization in the sense of something big. When a character realized something, there are ways to approach it and when approaching it from an angle, it can either go right, wrong, or in between. A requiem relates to those who have loss their lives - Bleach has a way of portraying music in accordance in certain scenarios & characters that just fits the mood. When remembering something, coming to a realization, or thinking about lost souls - this song comes to mind. It's a great way to story-tell and build the tension of the scene when fitting music is being played at this given moment of time. I think it's classic song that depicts a franchise's ability to blend music and emotion together to create atmosphere, emotion, and build-up - these moments are what define Bleach not only of the characters and actions, but of the music behind it.

Well I hope you enjoyed this week's Death God's Bebop. Until then, you all stay classy now!

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