Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Affinity #21 - You're my bitch! (Nnoitra & Tesra)

Nnoitra is by far one of the most despicable Arrancars out there - thirsty for blood, challenging the strongest, and treating everyone like his B*tch. And yet, I can't help but find him just as interesting as any Bleach character because he's developed - he has a reason, he has a motivation, and he won't stop until he deserves the beating he's always wanted. Thanks to Kenpachi, he got his wish - challenged the best, thirsted for blood, and got his ass handed by someone who was both similar to him in mind and in perspective. And then we Tesra, Nnoitra's personal B!tch. I feel so bad for him, but at the same time I laugh at him because his Zanpaktou pretty much means - Wart. Tesra is an underling who cares for Nnoitra, but to him, he's a guinea pig - a disposable man who fights for a man who's all high and mighty without a care for what happens to others. I mean, Nnoitra provoked Nel, Harribel, & Grimmjow into thinking they're weak or pretty much trying to start a fight for his amusement. At the end of the day, Tesra keeps Nnoitra in check even if he doesn't see it himself. Tesra needs Nnoitra just as Nnoitra needs him, but the problem is one is strong and the other is the underling - do they have a mutual respect for another or does Nnoitra use Tesra as a way to vent out his frustrations and past aggressions just so he can feel better about beating his opponent to a pulp? I think these two are yin & yang and yet they feel so far apart - which makes this a pretty good affinity of Leader & underling.

I hope you enjoyed this week's Affinity and until then, look forward to tomorrow's WBCR (will be posted when possible). You all stay classy now!

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