Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - He arrives...a little too late (Grade D)

So this week's chapter, for me personally, was a letdown just like last week's on the basis that the emphasis once again is on Mask De Masculine. The 3rd and 9th division captains pretty much got their asses beat and even when Rose went Bankai - having the the ability to, in my opinion, have performers inflict damage with water and fire, it didn't do much and he pretty much looks dead or is gravely wounded. Kensei didn't much either and got his ass handed to him. Mask de Masculine is just that good, but the question is - even after his assistant was cut in half, why is it that we had to wait until the two captains were defeated for the big reveal of Renji's arrival? I mean what if he had helped out with the captains, no more lives would've been wasted and they could've handled him 3-on-1 (unfair, but if it's against a strong opponent, it's excusable). I mean Rose and Kensei, though captains, were weak against the Quincy so another question that pops in my mind is - why didn't they go Visored? Why did they hold back? A hollow's power can nullify Quincy so why not use that to your advantage rather than get your ass handed by the enemy? Kensei and Rose had potential, but even in their Bankai(s), they stand no chance against the wrestler. And then Renji arrives....about time, but still, the injury/deaths of Kensei and Rose was all meant to unveil Renji's arrival so I thought it was pointless when he could've just assisted them during the fight. The same can be said when all the captains lost to Aizen and Ichigo, told to stay back, just watched and waited to attack after everyone got their assed handed to them. So overall, the only good thing about this chapter is Renji's arrival, but Kensei and Rose getting their asses handed to them was painful to look at. Same as last week's grade, we're going to stick with a Grade D. C'mon, I want to see the other fights! I hope you enjoyed this week's WBCR review/rant and until then, you all stay classy now

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