Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - Renji's back & Kicking @$$ (Grade C)

It is said that villains, regardless of who they are, all always going to be weak. They may put up a fight, but a hero arises and will do away with villainy. Renji finally arrives and kicks the crap out of Mask De Masculine's Ass. To be perfectly honest, I was not a big fan of the last two chapters because, as I said, it emphasized his character to which I could care less about. His assistant James is sliced-n-diced by Renji and, from the training with the Zero Division, Renji was able to defeat the Lucha Libre with ease and finesse. I mean this chapter was short and it shows that Mask De Masculine is just as foolish as any villain who tries to go against the Gotei 13. This WBCR should be relatively short because it covers Mask De Masculine's defeat by Renji....or is it? IF this fight is carried onto the next, I'm going to be a bit disappointed because then, what was the point of Renji's special training he can't even defeat this bumbling buffoon of a villain. I want to see the other fights and I especially want to see what happens to Bambietta Basterbine - she alive or she gonna get recuperated? That's all I got to say - simple short chapter, but it could use more. It's not a D rating because Renji shows up and kicks ass, but it's just one swipe of his Zabimaru and BOOM - end of chapter. Sorry for posting WBCR a day late and until then, you all stay classy.

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