Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Affinity #36 - Girl power! (Tatsuki, Orihime, & Chizuru)

 This could be considered a RBT moment, but I reconsidered by using this 10 sec video as a means to go over our next Affinity - Tatsuki, Orihime, & Chizuru. To be fair, this Affinity isn't at all dynamic or even pivotal in the storyline, but I thought it'd be best to talk about since, after all, Bleach has a lot of Affinity. As you all know, Tatsuki & Orihime are childhood friends - always having each other's backs and having both knowledge in hand-to-hand combat (Orihime learned from Tatsuki). The two are like sisters, one is tomboyish, tough-as-nails, and athletic and the other is kind, caring, and naive (at times). Next to Ichigo, Orihime holds Tatsuki in high regard and so to does Tatsuki to Orihime. Tatsuki even called Ichigo on Orihime's whereabouts, explaining that she's seen him as a Shinigami. So Tatsuki & Orihime are constantly looking out for each other despite it not being fully shown. And then there's Chizuru, the Lesbian of the group. Chizuru, as seen in this clip, hugs Orihime so tight that her BEEWBS bounce up and then Tatsuki kicks Chizuru in the face. Yet again, another comic relief moment, but this can be seen as both an Affinity because all 3 are friends despite being different (although Tatsuki & Chizuru don't see eye-to-eye since one protects Orihime and the other harasses her) and a RBT considering it's a sporadic moment in Bleach.

I hope you enjoyed this week's RBT-ish Affinity. Look forward to Affinities every Tuesday. As always, you all stay classy now!

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