Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - Demon vs. Female Knights? (Grade B)

Man, Kenpachi is having no rest and is constantly being bullied by the Stern Ritter. Remember, Kenpachi is a special war potential alongside Ichigo & Aizen ~ meaning these 3 could potentially be the keys to ending the War. First off, Gremmy is no more, but before Kenpachi can even catch his breath ~ Candice (T), Giselle (Z), Liltotto (G), and Meninas (P) show up and attach Kenpachi's division as they search for the missing Yachiru. I've been looking forward to these 4, but not ever did I see them challenging Kenpachi. It doesn't seem to be the right match, but then again I've been wrong before. As Kenpachi watched Gremmy die, Gremmy explained that the power of his imagination was too perfect and that he couldn't comprehend was Kenpachi's body holding that much power. After explaining this, Gremmy's physical body starts to disappear as it was a mere figment of his imagination and he was a Brain all along. As a result of his confrontation with Gremmy, it turned out that one of Kenpachi's internal organs is ruptured and he's partially deaf. Kenpachi, suddenly, notices something ~ Yachiru's badge. Where is Yachiru? This irritates Kenpachi as he demands that his men search for her despite not sensing any of Yachiru's reiatsu nearby. And just as they were looking for her, BOOM ~ a single attack that takes out a good # of Kenpachi's Squad. The 4 women who are possible friends with Bambietta show up ready to take on the Demon, but can Kenpachi withstand fighting all 4 at the same time after just having fought Gremmy? Overall, I liked this chapter because it finally ends the fight with Gremmy, but two things boggle my mind: Where is Yachiru (hopefully she's not dead) and Can Kenpachi fight 4 female Stern Ritter in his current state? It's not perfect, but it's a perfect setup for what's to come. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this week's WBCR and until then, you all stay classy now! P.S. I think Candice is the hottest of the 4 (just saying, lol)

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