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Bleach Fantasy Round 10: Bazz-B vs. Noctis Lucis Caleum (The Rebellious 8@6@$$3$)


Good Afternoon everyone and welcome to our 10th Bleach Fantasy Round. For this week, MechG2994 will be deciding the fight + victor today AND Friday. Today's Matchup is between Bleach's Bazz-B and FF XV's Noctis Lucis Caleum. Both are seen as calm and collective, but could just as easily snap and turn rebellious. Without further ado, let us start off the week right by seeing who'd win in a fight between these 2 ~ Bazz-N or Noctis? The following will be compared: Backstory/Role in Story, Powers/Abilities, and Verdict (By MechG2994). FF currently lead 5-4 against Bleach. As said before, my portions will be noted in Blue and MechG2994's in Purple. The titles are noted in Yellow.

Backstory/Role in Story (Bazz-B)
Bazz-B is first introduced in the current Arc, The Thousand-Year Blood War ~ a final confrontation between longtime enemies Shinigami & Quincy. Designated the letter "H" (The Heat), Bazz-B's powers revolve around fire. Bazz-B's first particular role in the arc was attacking the Lieutenant and seated officers of the 3rd division ~ easily killing them off. It wouldn't be until later where Captain Yamamoto's confrontation with Yhwach is interrupted when Bazz-B, As Nodt, & NaNaNa attempt a sneak attack on him only later to fall in defeat. Having survived Captain Yamamoto's flames, Bazz-B comes back alive and well, crushes a Shinigami's skull, and continues the pursuit of the Shinigami purge. Seen later on, Bazz-B, alongside fellow Sternritters, witness their Majesty's successor ~ Uryu Ishida. This pisses Bazz-B off, believing Uryu isn't worthy to stand on equal footing with Yhwach (Majesty) as well as believing Jugram was the true successor. It wouldn't be long before Bazz-B declares he'll take the throne himself ~ hungry for power and dissatisfied with his Majesty's decision in picking Uryu over Jugram. Bazz-B & the other Sternritter push against the Shinigami ~ overpowering them with their unique abilities. Bazz-B confronts Hitsugaya ~ it's a battle of ice vs. fire. However, Bazz-B explains that his flames could just as easily offset Captain Yamamoto's ~ meaning his flames can withstand Ryujin Jakka (Captain Yamamoto's Zanpaktou). Without much effort, Bazz-B defeats Hitsugaya using not 1...but 2 fingers! The Ice Captain is defeated, but before Bazz-B can deliver the final blow ~ Cang Du intervened in hopes to finish off Captain Hitsugaya himself for having taken his Bankai. Afterwards, Bazz-B watches as Cang-Du is defeated and in horror as he sees Gremmy's meteorite plunging towards Soul Society ~ possible fearful that it does damage to both sides. 

Backstory/Role in Story (Noctis Lucis Caleum)
Considering that Final Fantasy XV, previously titled Versus XIII is still in development by Square Enix, Noctis’ portion in the backstory and role in story is going to be handled based on pure speculation observed from the trailers, sneak peak cinematics, and gameplay. So what do we know about Noctis’ backstory so far? Noctis is the heir apparent and prince of the Caelum Dynasty. About the Caelum dynasty, they have been around in the world of FF15 for quite some time and they are the most powerful dynasty ruling the Kingdom of Lucis. According to the FF15 plotline, the Kingdom of Lucis holds the last crystal, which is crucial in order for the kingdom itself to like stay alive per se, which is why they isolated themselves because along with other kingdoms, they fought a huge war and many kingdoms lost their crystal. With only Lucis’ crystal standing, that makes them a big target for opposing kingdoms. Since Noctis is just the prince, his father Regis is current King of the Lucis Kingdom and we don’t know what the father-son relationship is like, we only see one brief cinematic of them, when Noctis was a kid, sharing a little father-son bond during one supper. One big portion of Noctis’ backstory is that he had a near-death experience, something like that and from that near-death experience, he was able to gain a great power bestowed by the goddess of death herself, Etro to be able to witness and predict someone’s death.

Again, this portion is based on pure speculation. So by the time Noctis is all grown up, the world of FF15 and its kingdoms are in a period of peace. To specify the names of the kingdoms: Lucis (of course Noctis’ kingdom), Tenebrae, Niflheim, Solheim, and Accordo, but Niflheim breaks the peace treaty and starts conquering the other kingdoms before Lucis one by one. One big clue about Noctis’ role in story is that during a party inside Lucis, Noctis meets a mysterious girl claiming to reside from the Kingdom of Tenebrae named Stella and the two engage in mutual conversation. According to Stella, she shared the same fate as Noctis as a child also, having possessed the same power bestowed by Etro. She elaborates to Noctis about that myth that Etro greets the souls of the dead and opens the door to the afterlife and when that door opens, the souls break free from a bright light ascending to heaven. Stella tells Noctis that both were able to see the light and able to possess the unique power of determining the death of individuals. The conversation of Noctis and Stella ends in sort of a positive note with Stella leaving, leaving Noctis to look up in the sky possibly questioning if the myth is true or not (again just speculation). The two would later somewhat do battle against each other whether it’s by force considering Tenebrae is occupied under Niflheim rule or possibly for other reasons, which I don’t know of. As the party continued, the palace Noctis was in was raided by soldiers, presumably fighting for Niflheim. The Kingdom of Lucis is under heavy attack by Niflheim as evident with Niflheim’s ruler confronting Regis and Lucis’ main city on fire from the invasion in the trailers. I assume that Regis is going get killed off, putting Lucis under Niflheim control and they’re going to excavate for the last crystal and Noctis, based on clues in trailers, is going to lead some kind of reclamation campaign along with his companions, Ignis, the brains of the kingdom, Gladiolus, the raw strength and power character of the group, Prompto, the sure shot rifleman, and Cor Leonis, the old lion of the group considering he served the Caelum Dynasty and the Kingdom of Lucis for a long time.

Powers/Abilities (Bazz-B)
Bazz-B, being one of the Sternritters, has incredibly high spiritual power that is higher/equal to that of a Captain-class Shinigami. Much like any Quincy, Bazz-B can absorb reishi and can combine it with his spiritual power to form weapons. Bazz-B also has enhanced agility and durability ~ surviving Captain Yamamoto's flames and Captain Hitsugaya's Ice Dragon. As stated above, he holds the title "H- The Heat." Pretty much it's this ~ Bazz-B can manipulate the reishi in the air and generate flames that he then can launch at anyone. His flames alone are enough to offset Captain Yamamoto's flames (this means Bazz-B's abilities surpass Captain Yamamoto)l surviving his attack and coming out with minor injuries. Bazz-B uses two particular abilities to deal a devastating blow to Captain Hitsugaya ~ Burner Finger #1 & #2. What do his fingers do that can make the Ice Captain fall before him? Well it's simple ~ by generating and concentrating flames around his finger, it can create a large explosion and inflict considerable damage to a surrounding area or a person. This alone was enough to defeat Captain Hitsugaya as he easily burned through his Zanpaktou. He also is seen stomping the ground that creates a shockwave of fire that sweeps over the surrounding area. Like any Quincy, he is also capable of Heilig Pfeil (Destroying Arrow of Sanctity) ~ gathering reishi to form a Quincy's trademark weaponry ~ Arrows. 

Powers/Abilities (Noctis Lucis Caleum)
In terms of power and abilities, Noctis has a sh*tload of them in his arsenal. As mentioned, he has the unique power to be able to see and predict the death of individuals. Aside from that ability, Noctis has some unbelievable powers of his own because of his royal blood. Though his primary weapon is a sword with a large, bendy blade and a black handle representing that of an engine, he can be able to wield a variety of weapons, swords, spears, axes, firearms you name em. In battle, his eyes turn red, displaying his unearthly speed and agility, able to take down a whole army of enemies, and he is surrounded by a crystal barrier with those variety of weapons making him unhittable, that barrier was able to withstand like 4 RPG missiles in a cinematic. He is able to interchange the weapons from his crystal barrier and can use them by hand or by telekinesis and he can teleport from anywhere whether on the ground, on air, or back on the ground. In terms of spells, he is able to cast fire and lightning and he can cast them from great distance. Noctis is projected to be one of the most powerful male protagonists in the FF franchise.

Verdict (By MechG)
And the winner is...
This matchup was a classic battle between proven vs. potential. After quickly evaluating the two, it was a tough decision to make, but if I had to choose, I always like to choose potential and without further ado, the verdict goes to Noctis. I know it’s controversial when I declare this verdict, Bazz-B had some real good highlights, matching wits with the high captain himself Yamamoto and impaling Hitsugaya, but in terms of story, there is so much more to know about Noctis than meets the eye. In other words, there is a lot of potential for Noctis to develop, his game is not even released and FF fans are raving about him like he’s going to bring some badassery back to the franchise. And yes, FF15 is going to be a much darker installment in the franchise with a little more realism in connection to the real world and the problems today. In terms of powers and abilities both characters look like they have powerful abilities. Bazz-B might have the better abilities, but with Noctis, you talk about a total package, possessing elemental spells, having a crystal barrier for defense, telekinesis, teleportation, and possessing a full on arsenal of short range, long range, and melee weapons, I don’t think you can say he has a primary weapon. He managed to fend off an army in the cinematics and walk away without a single scratch on his body. Again, since FF15 is not released yet, Noctis is basically a wildcard, there so much to learn about him, and he is the most intriguing FF character to see in action from fans. His game and story has been developed for a long time now, and the anticipation is killing fans. Bleach fans, you’re going to disagree with me big time on this verdict, but I was really hesitant on the verdict and on the verge on reversing it, but potential is good and you can develop potential to its fullest ability and Noctis is the victor in my opinion.

So who do you think would win a fight? Bazz-B from Bleach or Noctis Lucis Caleum from FF XV? Comment below and let us know. As always, look forward to Bleach Fantasy posts every Monday & Friday all throughout May posted between 8am-11:59pm. The next  BF Round (11) will also be chosen and decided by MechG. Until then, stay classy Bleach fans! FF leads 6-4 against Bleach (As of May 12th, 2014). 

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