Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Throwback #39 - Finding Resolve, Conquering Fear

 One of Kisuke Urahara's many words of wisdom comes to us in this scene where he is training Ichigo to have resolve when fighting. In having resolve, Kisuke's spiritual energy was channeling around both his body & his Zanpaktou ~ creating the impression of intimidation and $#!t is going down. Ichigo has yet to do so, but after witnessing Kisuke's resolve in "killing" Ichigo despite it being a training session ~ Ichigo caught on. The very idea that was drawing back Ichigo's resolve is fear ~ Ichigo's very blade is a mere reflection, it only spoke of senseless fright as Kisuke stated. However, in finding his resolve, Ichigo also began to channel his spiritual energy to both his body & his blade. Impressed with Ichigo's resolve, the two channeled their spiritual energy unto themselves and created a X-shaped crater just from striking each other. This becomes a central theme around Ichigo's character as he conquerors his fear and finds his inner resolve to help him against various foes.

I hope you enjoyed this week's Throwback and until then, you all stay classy now! BF Round 9 Post will be up later (Verdict by Stillmattic)

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