Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Affinity #45 - Drinking Buds (Ikkaku & Iba)

During the Rescue Arc in Bleach, the 11th Division pretty much went against their orders & aided the Ryoka. Due to Ichigo's influence on their Captain, Kenpachi, Yumichika, & Ikkaku took it upon themselves to fight against the very Society they are a part of. If it mean't going against the principality of the Soul Society, then so be it ~ the 11th Division didn't take sh*t from anyone nor did they care of the consequences that may arise. The only thing they cares for was the thrill of the fight, be it friend or foe. As Kenpachi fought against Komamura & Tosen, Ikkaku matched wits with Tetsuzaemon Iba ~ a former member of the 11th Division & fellow drinking buddy. As seen in the picture, despite being enemies, they still get a laugh or two when deciding who gets to finish the Sake. And as all of us know ~ Scissors beats Paper. Ikkaku respects Iba as a man and was unaware of Iba's knowledge of Ikkaku having a Bankai (only Yumichika was aware of it). Iba even went so far as to call Ikkaku a coward for putting his own pride over helping out his fellow Shinigami. It shows that Iba, after his departure from the 11th division, has grown stronger not just physically, but mentally as well whereas Ikkaku has yet to. However, Iba's focus on his division above fighting is seen as an act of cowardice to Ikkaku and so ~ the two knuckleheads butt heads, but deep down ~ they are only doing it to pass the time because neither of them want to kill each other. They're friends and I don't think a price can be put to easily crumble a manly friendship. It shows that despite being in different divisions ~ they're still buds and love Sake ~ the keystone to their friendship and success.

I hope you enjoyed this week's Affinity. On Affinity #50 ~ I'll make a top 10 list of favorite Affinities and explain why. As always, look forward to Affinities every Tuesday. Until then, you all stay classy now. Don't forget for tomorrow's back-to-back posts: WBCR + Bleach Kombat Round 3. 

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