Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Affinity #46 - The Central 46

Serving as the Judiciary authority over the Soul Society, the Central 46 influence's is mandated by the Soul King himself. By installing legislative and operative authorities, the Central 46 is the single body of 40 wise men that can mean life and death for a Shinigami. Though the most unlikable group of people, they serve as figure-heads of authority, justice, and balance. In abiding by the laws, the Central 46 can issue a Shinigami, regardless of class or stature, to be sentenced for execution (EX: Rukia breaking the law of giving Shinigami powers to Ichigo) or imprisoment (EX: Aizen). A governing body, however, could also fluctuate the willpower of good vs. evil, making decisions that some would argue goes against the very principles of the Shinigami or even that of common sense. We never truly see their faces, but their resentment at others breaking laws allows them to act without remorse. They can be seen as good or bad, but regardless - their decision still stands despite what others may think. A pillar of hope for the Soul Society or a body of injustice ~ their very influence has a profound meaning.

I hope you enjoyed this week's Affinity. Look forward to Affinities every Tuesday. On the 50th Affinity post, I will be making a top 10 (perhaps 20) list of my favorite Affinities. Until then, you all stay classy now + look forward to tomorrow's back-to-back posts: BK Round 6 & WBCR.

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