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Bleach Kombat Round 10: Sindel vs. Tier Harribel (MILF vs. The Big-BEEWBED Shark)


The 10th BK Round characters have one thing in common and it truly pops out when you look at em. You know, I don't always say this, but Sindel truly is the definition of a MILF ~ the same chick who got nasty with the D and gave birth to one of the finest MK chicks out there, KitANAL (minus the L). And then we have the Shark herself, Tier Harribel ~ fine-ass chick who is compassionate, but deadly in combat. She'll probably breastfed her Fraccion and that's why they're so loyal to her. In this week's Matchup, we got MK's MILF ~ Sindel and Bleach's fine-ass dark-skinned blondie ~ Tier Harribel. As of July 23rd, Bleach leads 7-2 against MK. As always, the following will be incorporated: Backstory/Role in Story, Powers/Abilities, & Verdict (by yours truly). Let's jam!

Backstory/Role in Story (Tier Harribel)
Before Harribel was the 3rd Espada under Aizen's tutelage, Harribel was trying to stay alive in Hueco Mundo as a Vasto Lorde-class Menos. When Apacci (later would be one of Harribel's fraccion) is being attacked by 2 male Adjuchas, Harribel steps in to save her. Afterwards, Apacci introduces Harribel to Mila Rose & Sung-Sun ~ a fated meeting of the 3rd Espada and her underlings. Harribel brought up the idea of working together as a group not only to survive together, but to defend themselves from any threat that may come to them. Harribel's philosophy on power is that she'd rather work in a group than to sacrifice others for her own benefit (this means she's a team-player). It wouldn't be long before Harribel & her new comrades were faced with a new terror - the King of Hueco Mundo, Barragan Louisenbairn. Her refusal to yield to the King only made things worse as Baraggan's underlings, one by one, attacked Harribel & her new comrads. Baraggan personally was tired of Harribel's rebellious attitude and refusal to yield to him. Since then, Harribel & her comrades had to stick close since Baraggan was after them. A henchmen of Baraggan's appeared and tried to do away with Harribel only to have her own life Aizen Sousuke. Aizen gave Harribel a choice to join his ranks ~ to protect not only herself, but the lives of her own comrades. Hearing Aizen's concept of sacrifice, Harribel & her Fraccion joined him.

Harribel isn't formerly introduced as of yet, but is briefly seen at the birth of Wonderweiss Margela and at the debriefing of Ulquiorra & Yammy's visit to Karakura Town. She is rightfully seen and introduced when Aizen summons the Espada about the intruders in Hueco Mundo (Ichigo, Uryu, & Chad). She is seen bickering with 5th Espada, Nnoitra, about the intruders. Just as Nnoitra asks her if she was scared, Harribel was quick to turn angry, but is stopped when Grimmjow decides to leave the meeting in order to pursue the intruders. When Grimmjow & Ichigo finally have their anticipated match, Harribel & her Fraccion are seen watching from a distance, but Harribel notices something? The opponent Grimmjow was fighting, to her, didn't feel human ~ it felt like it was an Espada vs. Espada fight. She is in shock of how Ichigo's strength was on par with Grimmjow's & that it was, as I said before, inhuman. Tier Harribel shows up later on alongside Starrk & Baraggan to fight the resistance in Fake Karakura Town. She, alongside her Fraccion, fight the 10th division. Hitsugaya, Captain of the 10th Division, is surprised that Harribel is strong and is only the 3rd Espada. An expert iswordsman and being highly perceptive & tactical in battle, she was able to discern all of Hitsugaya's attacks. It wouldn't be long before Harribel releases her Resurreccion - Tiburon (Imperial Shark Empress). However, she didn't ascertain the full extent of one of Hitsugaya's abilities and is frozen-in place temporarily by this attack (Hyoten Hyakkaso). However, it seems that Harribel has yet to face defeat as Wonderweiss appears and breaks Harribel from the ice that imprisoned her ~ ready to face Hitsugaya once more. All seemed to be in Harribel's favor up until the Visored showed up to back the Shinigami in their confrontation against the Espada. Lisa, Hiyori, & Hitsugaya triple-teamed her, but Harribel was able to tactically and carefully maneuver her way out of each and every one of their attacks. As Starrk & Barragan fell, Harribel is seen being the only remaining Espada. Seeing that it was futile and that they served their purpose, Aizen betrays and mercilessly cuts down Harribel. Angered by this sudden betrayal from her savior, she retaliates only to be struck down by Aizen & his Kyoka Suigetsu. After Aizen's imprisonment, she becomes the new ruler of Hueco Mundo. However, a new threat shows up known as the Wandenreich and Yhwach quickly dispatched Harribel. Harribel is last seen being held captive.

Backstory/Role in Story (Sindel)
Sindel’s story began 10,000 years prior to the start of the first Mortal Kombat. The realm of Edenia was invaded by the forces of Outworld and the Emperor, Shao Kahn. Deep into the invasion, Kahn encountered the royal family and Kahn slayed Sindel’s husband, King Jerrod and she was forced to watch her husband’s brutal death, her Edenian people being enslaved, and was forced to wed Shao Kahn with her daughter, Kitana to become Shao Kahn’s adopted daughter. All of this was too much for Sindel and tragically, she tried to commit suicide to escape from Kahn’s wrath. However, Kahn wouldn’t let Sindel’s soul to transition into the afterlife and instead, held her soul captive in Outworld.

Sometime in between the events of MK1 and MK2, it was revealed that Shao Kahn made an ordeal with the Fallen Elder God, Shinnok to bring Sindel back to life. However she would not be revived in Outworld, but rather in Earthrealm to allow Shao Kahn to defy the Elder Gods and the rules of Mortal Kombat and force Earthrealm to merge with Outworld. Sindel would be revived to have no memories of her witnessing the destruction of Edenia and to swear undying loyalty to Shao Kahn. When Outworld failed twice to best Earthrealm in Mortal Kombat, Shao Kahn initialized the plan, reviving Sindel and launching a full scale invasion of Earthrealm. However, this plan would not last as Earthrealm’s chosen warriors bested Kahn and the forces of Outworld for a third time. Kahn’s defeat freed Sindel from his control and freed Edenia from the clutches of Outworld. Sindel took her rightful place as Queen of Edenia with her daughter Kitana being the heir apparent and she vowed to take advantage of Kahn’s defeat and make him pay for all his crimes. Unfortunately, those plans had to wait when the Edenian Tanya betrayed her own realm and allowed Shinnok and the forces of the Netherrealm to invade it, which they successfully did resulting in Sindel’s capture and she was captive for a while until Raiden and the Earthrealm forces defeated him. After Shinnok’s defeat, Sindel started up her ambition to defeat Shao Kahn again, sending Kitana to negotiate with the Shokan armies for a possible coup to overthrow Kahn while restoring Edenia. For a 2nd time, Sindel’s ambition foiled with the formation of the Deadly Alliance and the return of the Dragon King, Onaga. Onaga invaded Edenia and captured Sindel using her own daughter against her. Eventually Sindel was rescued by Jade and the two escaped to Outworld. Sindel had some involvement in Armageddon, but it was unknown how long she lasted during the all-out battle between good and evil.

Powers/Abilities (Tier Harribel)
Being the 3rd Espada, she possesses incredible spiritual power. As said previously above - Harribel is a master swordsman, being able to perceive and tactically maneuver her way from Hitsugaya's attacks. With any Hollow, she is capable of performing Cero, Sonidl, & Descorrer (this allows her to move freely between worlds). However, she is most proficient in her Zanpaktou ~ Tiburon. In her Resurreccion form, not only is her power, agility, and durability enhanced ~ but she has a onslaught of attacks that prove to be devastating on Captain Hitsugaya & her main basis of attacks is based on water manipulation. By garnering her spiritual power onto the tip of her blade, she is able to fire a yellow-colored projectile called Ola Azul (Blue Wave Gun). Harribel is able to fire tridents (infusing her sword with her spiritual power that fires high-force slashes in a series of three shots ~ being able to cut through anyone at ease). Her attack, Hirviendo (Burning Current) ~ she can control and manipulate her boiling water just by pointing her blade in any direction. La Gota (War Drop) allows Harribel to condense large amounts of water around her blade before firing it as a blast that resembles much like a shark tooth (this attack alone was enough to destroy houses). And her last attack, Cascada (Cutting Waterfall) ~ allows Harribel to launch a surge of water at her opponent which is large enough to cover several town blocks.

Powers/Abilities (Sindel)
Sindel’s powers and abilities emphasize on using mystical energy. One of her famous abilities is the ability to unleash a powerful, loud scream that releases devastating sound waves and sonic frequencies, paralyzing an opponent or screaming to the point that the skin peels off of the opponent, depends on the scale of the scream that Sindel unleashes. Aside from her loud screams, she is able to use her hair as a weapon, which would grow to extremely long lengths and wrap around an opponent and suffocate him/her if held in for a long period time and she has the ability to levitate in order to evade projectiles coming her way. In weaponry, Sindel’s weapon of choice is the Kwan Dao basically a crescent blade that is identical to the mythical Blue Dragon blade that the legendary warrior, Guan Yu wielded (Dynasty Warriors FTW) and her fighting styles are Zha Chuan and Fu Jow Pai. Her fatalities emphasize on her screaming and hair wrap abilities like the Deadly Scream (3), Hair Spin (3), and Sonic Screech (Deception).

Verdict (By Stillmattic)
And the winner is...
After evaluating these two lovely Big-BEEWBED ladies, it's safe to assume that I'd naturally give it to Tier Harribel because she is my favorite female Bleach character. But in actuality, Sindel takes the cake on this one because of her original and alternative timeline in MK having more emphasis on how she was once good and then turned unwillingly evil in the other compared to Tier Harribel. You also have to take into consideration that Sindel is a lot more wiser and older than Tier Harribel, gave birth to one of the main protagonists ~ Kitana, and has the title Queen. In this case, the title of Queen has more meaning than the 3rd Espada under Aizen's tutelage. Sindel's screams in MK could break Tier Harribel's water or ice, giving Sindel an opportunity to negate all of Harribel's attacks. I believe Sindel's abilities have more range than Harribel's and her character alone has more build-up than Harribel. The focus of good and turned evil is better portrayed within Sindel's character whereas with Harribel, it's clearly shown that she was an antagonist, but her intentions weren't diabolical or even downright cruel ~ her duty all along was upholding the rule of Lord Aizen. Sindel, in this case, doesn't need anybody to tell her what do do because SINDEL WINS!

So who do you think won? Sindel from MK or Tier Harribel from Bleach? Comment below and let me know. As always, look forward to BK Rounds every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday from July 4th-August 25th. The next BK Rounds (11 & 12) will be decided by yours truly. Until then, you all stay classy now + be sure to check out the other BK Rounds. As of July 25th, Bleach leads 7-3 against MK

1) Jax Briggs vs. Yasutora "Chad" Sado ~ MK (July 4th)
2) Jade vs. Yoruichi Shihoin ~ Bleach (July 7th)
3) Johnny Cage vs. Mask De Masculine ~ MK (July 9th)
4) Sonya Blade vs. Sui-Feng ~ Bleach (July 11th)
5) Kenshi vs. Byakuya Kuchiki ~ Bleach (July 14th)
6) Mileena vs. Bambietta Basterbine ~ Bleach (July 16)
7) Kung Lao vs. Uryu Ishida ~ Bleach (July 18th)
8) Reptile vs. Sajin Komamura ~ Bleach (July 21st)
9) Sektor vs. Renji Abarai ~ Bleach (July 23rd)
10) Sindel vs. Tier Harribel ~ MK (July 25th) 

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