Throughout the years

Throughout the years


Throwback #50 - Betrayal at Lord's hands (50 more until 100!)

As you all know, I'm a big big BIG Tier Harribel fan ~ she's cool, hot, popular, and most of all ~ has Big-BEEWBS! However, one of the most shocking moments in Bleach is when Aizen cut down Tier Harribel because she had served her purpose + she's weak compared to Starrk and Baraggan. This not only upsets Tier Harribel, it downright is a betrayal of friendship, loyalty, and kindness. Aizen was the one who saved Tier Harribel and it is because of this act of kindness that Harribel holds Aizen to such high standards. When Aizen cut her, that loyalty that Tier Harribel had for Aizen was destroyed and she could no longer see her Lord as the man who once saved her. Sacrifices are to be made to ensure the greater good for one's goals, but Tier Harribel didn't see it as sacrifice ~ it was all a ploy for Aizen. Aizen, from the get-go, used the Espada as a means to cut down the enemy forces and so it'd be easy for him to obtain his goal. Tier Harribel, after Aizen's imprisonment, became the Queen of Hueco Mundo and it's unclear whether or not Harribel knows of Aizen's survival ~ but when she does, will she forgive and forget or will she strike him down?

I hope you enjoyed today's 50th Throwback. Can't believe there's been 50 of these. I know I should've done somebody BIG, but in all honesty ~ I think reaching up to Throwback #100 will be the BIGGER surprise. I don't know what I have planned yet for Throwback #100, but it'll definitely be something BIG, like Harribel's BEEWBS. As always, look forward to Throwbacks every Friday and until then, you all stay classy now + the 10th BK Round will be up soon. There'll be a special announcement July 30th regarding Fight Night Mondays. 

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