Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - Resolve (Grade B)

This chapter was relatively short, but there were a few things that stood out (y'know what I mean). With Ishida's defection to the enemy side, it's only a matter of time before our heroes find a way to convince their friend to join them once more. However, knowing this, Ichigo is discouraged, at a loss for words, and is stricken with horror on Ishida's decision. Knocking him senseless and out of a trance-like phase, Chad convinces Ichigo that worrying over such things won't solve the problem ~ A moment in which Chad's support as a friend and ally is highly crucial to Team Ichigo's success. Much like last week's, the graded meme is already posted and here are, in my opinion, the 3-4 crucial points in Bleach that stood out for me.

Crucial Point #1 ~ BEEWBS
Seeing the cover-page for week's chapter put a smile on my face and, as seen in the picture, it's clear as to why. BEEWBS BEEWBS BEEWBIES! Orihime's Jugs are showing and my goodness it is quite a sight to see. Chad's in the background too, but he doesn't steal the show unlike Orihime does. Orihime's new attire is just plain perverted, but hey ~ I ain't complaining. You always see Rangiku Matsumoto or Tier Harribel's cleavage showing and now it's Orihime's turn. Man, have they gotten big or what! Ichigo's such a lucky-@$$ bastard for having such a Big-BEEWBED sweetheart fall for him.

Crucial Point #2 ~ Damsel saves Prince
Upon seeing his friend leaving alongside the enemy, Orihime protects & pulls back Ichigo from doing anything drastic or reckless. It is, I think, the first time you see Orihime embrace Ichigo ~ you see that Ichigo genuinely cannot accept that his friend/rival is officially a rival. Orihime genuinely cares for Ichigo's well-being and seeing her step forward to embrace him is a sign of friendship, love, and affection. The situation is difficult to swallow, but it's better to figure a way to help get their friend back before one descends into madness over a loss. I saw Orihime's actions much like an Angel ~ Kind, gentle, and caring. She cares for Ichigo's wellbeing to the point that she'll do whatever it takes to mend Ichigo's broken heart.

Crucial Point #3 ~ Mohawk vs. Eyebrows 
So it appears that Bazz-B will be fighting......Renji & Rukia. I kinda saw this coming because both Renji & Bazz-B are hotheads and somewhat similar in personality and Rukia & Bazz-B possess opposite powers (Ice vs. Fire). Their's comic relief seen in this chapter as Bazz-B compliments Renji's eyebrows while Renji is in awe that someone actually complimented him (going so far as to say he's cool). Bazz-B is pissed because Renji insulted his "majestic mohawk." Renji was hilariously comparing Bazz-B to a chicken and this snaps Bazz-B, going for Burner Finger #4 and breaks the comic relief between Renji & Bazz-B. Now the brawl between Hotheads begins.

Crucial Point #4 ~ Into the Grand Slam of Things
With Yhwach, Jugram, & Uryu in the Royal Palace, one question remains ~ What are their intentions? Knowing Yhwach, it can't be good. The extermination of the Shinigami race is something the Quincy desire, but as the 3 biggest threats enter the Royal Palace, can they match their wits against the Royal Guards? Are they after the Spiring King or something more? I am curious just like everyone else, but that concludes this week's chapter ~ their grand entrance into Royalty.

Verdict (Thoughts, Beliefs, etc)
Overall, this chapter shows the resolve to save Uryu despite his defection. It also shows the frustration behind Ishida's actions impacting all of Team Ichigo (Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, Renji, & Rukia). Of course everyone's pissed, but worrying over it won't solve anything ~ actions will. I see this chapter as another set-up for what's to come, but I'm also curious to know who the other matchup(s) are. I am also curious to know Yhwach, Jugram, & Uryu's actions in the Royal Palace ~ are they after the King and can they handle the Royal guards? Sh*t is gettin' serious and I can't wait for all hell to break loose.  I give this week's chapter a Grade B (B for BEEWBS, lol). So what did you think of this week's chapter? Good? Bad? Somewhere between? Comment below and let me know. As always, look forward to WBCRs every Wednesday (unless series is on hiatus or Golden Week). Look forward to Friday's back-to-back posts w/Mech G & I's first Bleach Kombat post.

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