Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - A zombified guinea pig (Grade: C)

This was a relatively short read with very little happening. Continuing off from last week, it is revealed that Captain Hitsugaya is turned into a zombie by Giselle before death. Giselle explains that for zombies that are turned before death, their cells are fresh and so they retain their original movements & react better. Giselle has total control over Hitsugaya's body and so, she is using him as a way to thwart the Shinigami advances. Both Ikkaku & Yumichika (pretty much admitted to knowing Kido & revealing his real power of his Zanpaktou) got F'd up pretty badly as well Charlotte, who brashly believed he alone was enough to stop the Zombified Captain. Mayuri finds it rather comical that Giselle enjoys toying with Zombies with 0 consciousness ~ does that constitute fun and excitement? The chapter ends with Mayuri about to fight Captain Hitsugaya and concluding with "Want to be my guinea pig?" Overall, this chapter wasn't exciting and left off from last week, but it could've added more, I thought perhaps Mayuri had another trick up his sleeve, but instead he'll be fighting Hitsugaya for the sheer anticipation that he may get to experiment on him (Does he care at all about Captain Hitsugaya?). And if Captain Hitsugaya truly died, then that's a bad bad BAD way to end his character. The chapter needed more and it didn't deliver on what I thought it would. It wasn't the worst chapter I've read, but then again it's a set-up for Mayuri vs. Hitsugaya most likely ~ will Mayuri have a trick up his sleeve and will the Arrancar aid him in a 4-against-1 fight?. The only thing that was slightly entertaining was seeing Yumichika almost spoil his secret, breaking his Golden Rule because Ikkaku was getting his behind kicked. I give this week's chapter a C. I didn't find any super highlights in this chapter so I didn't feel the need to add any pictures.

So what did you think of this week's chapter? Good? Bad? Meh? Comment below and let me know. As always, look forward to WBCRS every Wednesday (unless no chapter). Until then, you all stay classy now + look forward to Friday's back-to-back posts. BK Round is already posted below. 

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