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BCC 2 Match #11 - Jade vs. Nico Robin (Mortal Kombat vs. One Piece)


Welcome back to another installment of BCC 2 with featured collaboration from my best friend & author of the Trueraiderlaker blog,  MechG. BCC 2 is pitting the best of the best when it comes to Videogames & Anime. The emphasis on BCC (Big-BEEWBED Catfight) is on the lovely ladies from each franchise, judging their story, personality, and appeal as the basis of the subject matter as well deciding on the consensus on whose the better woman in our personal opinion. So far, the Videogame Babes are still leading 6-4 against the Anime Cuties. MechG judged last week's posts, but yours truly will be deciding the consensus for this week. Today's Matchup is Mortal Kombat's Jade & One Piece's Nico Robin. Let's jam!

Story (Jade)
Jade was born and raised in the realm of Edenia and is a childhood best friend of Princess Kitana or they were “besties” in girl talk. When the Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn invaded Edenia, Kahn killed King Jerrod and took Queen Sindel (Kitana’s mother and father) as his own, then took Jade and Kitana and trained them to become highly proficient assassins under his command. While sent by Shao Kahn to assassinate Kitana with Reptile during the invasion of Earthrealm, Jade became conflicted and ultimately chose to serve her best friend, defecting from Shao Kahn’s extermination squads. After thwarting Kahn, Jade helped Sindel and Kitana reclaim Edenia and later became general of the Edenian army. Jade played somewhat of a big part in Deception as she aided Sindel to repel Onaga’s invasion of Edenia and free Kitana from the Dragon King’s influence. At the same time, she sought personally to bring the Edenian traitor, Tanya to justice after catching her serving Onaga’s cause of claiming Edenia. Jade is currently dead in the alternate timeline, but her soul, along with Kitana and the fallen Earthrealm warriors (minus Johnny Cage and Sonya) is kept within the Netherrealm as part of Raiden’s ordeal with Quan Chi.

Story (Robin)
Nico Robin was born on an the Island of Ohara and comes from a family of archaeologists. Her mother, Nico Olvia, went out when Robin was 2 in search for Void Century. Robin was left in charge by Roji, her Aunt. Unfortunately Roji abused Robin physically & mentally on the smallest of actions, but this didn't dissuade Robin from pursuing her dreams of becoming an archaeologist. Much like Nami, I'm not going to dive right into her story because there's a lot to cover. However, we first meet her when she's in the service of Crocodile. After Croc betrayed Robin, Luffy saved her and ever since Robin has indebted herself to Luffy's service after he helped her out. The rest of the story is Robin's adventures alongside hew family ~ The Straw Hat Crew as they embark for the Grand Treasure: One Piece. Much like everyone on board, she possesses Devil Fruit Powers and is a pretty adept in her fighting abilities. 

Personality (Jade)
Oh man, you people gotta check out her Girls Gone Wired promotion video, that almost says everything about Jade’s personality, so sassy. Other than that Jade is a childhood friend of Kitana and a deadly assassin who puts loyalty above all else, although she did jump ship from serving Shao Kahn to serving her friend Kitana and her Kingdom in Edenia just like how LeBron jumped ship from the Cavs to the Heat to play with his girlfriends: Wade and Bosh. Ok, ok that’s so 2010, we’re over that already. Over all the MK games, Jade has shown to be dependable, sincere, and devoted. Against opponents, she can possess a little sarcasm and cockiness due to her confident and sassy personality, I mean after all, she is the MOST difficult regular opponent in the older MK games! She has a right to condescend! Especially, if it’s an opponent she considers an arch-rival or personal enemy (Tanya), she will show no f-ing mercy against that person and she’ll kick that @$$ hand-to-hand or with her trademark steel staff, she can use a steel dildo too if she wants.

Personality (Robin)
Of the Straw Hat crew, Robin is the most mature of the group. She is more tolerant of the antics that go on as well as having a very easygoing & laid-back personality to go with it. Robin is a knowledgable person, having a fondness for archaeology since she was a kid. When it comes down to it, Robin is the most reliable person of the group and kind of serves as a mother-like figure since always has everyone's interest at heart. Robin also giggles whenever something comedic happens and, like the author puts it, has a maternal personality towards her crew as they are all willing to live & die for one another. Robin all around is a cool character and doesn't over-exaggerate her expressions unlike the rest of her crew. 

Appeal (Jade)
Like I said before, look up “Jade – Girls Gone Wired” on YouTube. If Scorpion and Sub-Zero provide the bad@$$ery in Mortal Kombat, Jade, along with Mileena and Kitana provide the fanservice. Though Mileena possesses the most fanservice with her revealing, alternate outfits, the video I just mentioned above provides a case for Jade. I mean look at her. She may be the hardest regular MK opponent, but damn her booty is damn fine and not to mention, she got big, jiggling BEEWBZ. When MK made the transition to 3D, she, along with Mileena stood constant as the hottest and attractive MK females while the rest (yes including Kitana) didn’t look that attractive. Fast forward to MK9, every female is hot! Jade’s concept art in MK9 makes you want to sharpen your pencil: big BEEWBZ, a booty you just wanna tap, and fine @$$ curves, yes please.

Appeal (Robin)
Nico Robin, next to Nami, Boa Hancock, & Rebecca, are the fanservice in One Piece. If you were to ask me who my favorite is....It'd be Nico Robin. Nico Robin is such a cool-@SS character that her looks are to be deceiving. After the timeskip, a good portion of her cleavage is shown & my goodness, I fell in love with her more & more. It also is the first time we see Nico Robin bathing nude......something we always saw Nami & Boa Hancock do, but not Robin. Her mature figure is just downright gorgeous to look at it and I definitely want all her hands around me. Curvy figure, Big BEEWBZ, and a cool personality ~ Nico Robin is a beautiful women and a reason why I want to join the Stawhat Pirates. 

Verdict (By Stillmattic)
And the winner is...
Very similar to the last Matchup with Kitana vs. Nami, I'm judging content of story & overall influence on their respective series. Nico Robin is the 1st villain turned ally of the Strawhat Pirates and her relevance to the story is given so much to work with considering Oda is a craftsman in giving each character an identity, story, & personality. No one really is given more or less development than another and that's why Robin's character has depth to her much like everyone else. You could argue that Jade from MK has a small part in comparison to One Piece, but you have to remember ~ MK has spawned 4 MAIN games whereas One Piece is an ongoing Anime/Manga with 700+ chapters. Judging from that sentence alone ~ which character has more depth to them? Though Jade is much more appealing than Kitana (in my opinion), I still find Robin more attractive because of the pre-timeskip and timeskip appearances she had ~ she not once was seen as ugly or okay. Robin is depicted as a beautiful women. Jade, I will admit, is more sexualized, but Robin is more cool & laidback in comparison to Jade. Jade is Kitana's best friend & Nico Robin is a sister-like figure to Nami. In the end, I think Robin has more depth to her character, is more appealing to the eye, and her overall personality is a turn-on for cool. 

So who do you think won? Jade from Mortal Kombat or Nico Robin from One Piece? Comment below and let me know. As always, look forward to BCC 2 Matchups on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays all throughout December. Until then, you all stay classy now. Videogame Babes still lead 6-5 against the Anime Cuties. Also be sure to check out MechG's blog: that covers sports-themed topics on the LA Lakers & Oakland Raiders. 

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