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Throughout the years


Legacy #12 & #13 - Tenchi Muyo GXP & Tenchi In Tokyo

As I promised last week, today there'll be TWO Legacy posts since I was unable to post one last week. Finals are over and I can finally focus on posting. I'd like to apologize once again, but school comes first over everything. I was surprised that I was able to post during Finals Week, but I managed to do it and now that Finals are over, a huge load has been lifted off my shoulders. So in regard to this week's Legacy posts, I decided to revisit Tenchi Muyo. In our very 1st Legacy post (then called Rhetorical), I talkd about Tenchi Muyo ~ The Original series. There is a lot to cover on this Anime, but I'm here to talk about my favorite & despised Tenchi Muyo SPIN-OFF. Spin-offs are a byproduct of something original. So without further ado, let's start off with my unfavorite Spinoff, Tenchi In Tokyo & my favorite ~ GXP.

Legacy #12 ~ Tenchi In Tokyo
Wanna know why I love Tenchi Muyo? I love the atmosphere of the show. It is one of the most peaceful shows I've ever seen because the main character, Tenchi, is content with what he has and who he's sharing it with. Sure, Alien ladies now live with him, but that never dissuaded Tenchi from seeing the thing that mattered to him the most ~ a peace of mind. Sure, he's from a lineage of Royalty and he'll one day have to take up that mantle of responsibility, but he still keeps the peace in whatever shape and form he can mold it into. He's the man who was able to manage dealing with a psychotic pirate and a princess who are madly in love with him ~ I think he can manage the peace of 2-5 more roommates. As a protector of the World, Tenchi is just your down-to-ordinary kind of guy that coincidentally lives in a Harem world. Anyone is lucky to be in his position, but to him ~ it's just a large group of people that needs to be fed & nurtured. The functionality of Tenchi's life revolves around the principles of Family & Peace. So when Tenchi In Tokyo aired, I was curious to know if it'll fare well like the original. Nope, I was 100% wrong because this spin-off goes against everything I liked about Tenchi Muyo ~ Tenchi chooses a girl. This girl barely knows Tenchi and was quick to start a romance with him; leaving the others for this one girl you barely know is unlike the Tenchi I've come to admire and respect. Ryoko & Ayeka are saddened by this, but the worst of it all is that it seems as if Tenchi has already set his mind & heart on this one chick (depicted in picture). I mean, WTF was in mind when I saw this. Tenchi is content with the Harem he has because he prefers living as a family than starting a war over who he chooses, but when this show goes against all that ~ I don't dig it. Tenchi may have the personality & looks to match, but the fact that this show depicts a what-if scenario of choosing a girl outside the Harem ~ I call BS on that. Tenchi, if he were to choose, has Ryoko & Ayeka (Sasaki, Washu, & Mihoshi are Meh). As much as I love Tenchi Muyo, I never was a fan of In Tokyo and I will never so because it diverts away from what made Tenchi so memorable ~ his fondness for family and his preservation of peace/serenity at home.

Legacy #13 ~ Tenchi Muyo GXP
Tenchi GXP is a different take on the Tenchi Muyo formula because, for one, it focuses on a different male protagonist as well as a new Harem. So what does this have to do with Tenchi Masaki? Well, coincidentally both the main characters, Seina Yamada, and Tenchi Masaki live in world of Harem (and are friends), but the main difference is ~ Tenchi can manage the Harem (at first he couldn't) whereas Seina is drowning in it. Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasaki, Washu, & Mihoshi show love for Tenchi, but have you ever noticed they aren't as clingy as before they met him? The GXP girls are SUPER clingy to Seina and even at the end of the series, Seina's Harem has grown ~ having wedded 8 chicks. So why do I love GXP when it diverts away from the Tenchi Muyo Formula? Well, I'm a big fan of Harem and although it isn't like the original Tenchi Muyo, Seina's antics make up for the fact that he's such a pathetic character. I can't but feel bad for him because of his bad luck, but when he's with his Harem ~ his luck has changed for the better. His peace of mind comes from the company of his Harem, much like Tenchi with his. Of course Tenchi & Seina managed it differently, but in the end ~ both the character value being with their Harem than choosing 1 or the other. That's why GXP appealed to him ~ the atmosphere, comedy, & Harem elements didn't divert away from what was really important ~ togetherness & a peace of mind. Though with different characters, this expands the universe of Tenchi Muyo. In Tokyo diverted away from it ~ sidelining away from the story as much as they could. GXP is my all-time favorite Tenchi Muyo Spinoff and I will openly admit, I haven't watched The War on Geminar, but I hope to....someday.

I hope you enjoyed this week's Double-Legacy. Look forward to Legacy posts on Thursdays. Until then, you all stay classy now. WBCR will be up momentarily. BCC 2 Match #12 & weekly Throwback will be up tomorrow morning. 

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