Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - C for Cliche (Grade: C)

Well, as much as I'd like to say "I told you so," I'm just going to flat out say ~ I F*CKING TOLD YOU SO! As I said previously, I liked the direction of the fight, but I know the author is going to pull out the cliches one by one. Wouldn't you know it, he does. It seems as if Hyosube has the upper hand, but Yhwach bounces back. As soon as Yhwach bounces back up, Hyosube has something up his sleeve. Now, it's at that point where Yhwach bounces back up again and it seems like it may be the end for Hyosube Ichibei. I liked Hyosube's powers, but of course I figured Yhwach was going to bounce back up. The "A" that stands for Almighty, in my opinion, is also a cliche title. I mean it appears as if Ichibei finally took out the God of the Quincy, but nope. Hyosube gave Yhwach a new name: Kuroari (Black Ant) and a foot ascends from out of nowhere and supposedly "crushed" Yhwach asunder. Yhwach comes back and reveals that not even Darkness can touch him because he's "The Almighty." Overall, this chapter was everything I expected, but the "Almighty" title caught me off guard and only further stated that the author may be running out of ideas. I know Bleach is becoming cliche, but c'mon ~ The Almighty? That is so cliche for overpowered villains. Hyosube got a thing going and Yhwach's "Almighty" title suddenly decides to pop up. It's what'd called: "But this isn't even my final form" cliche and, in my opinion, that gets real tiring. I give this week's grade: C. C for Cliche.

So what did you think of the chapter? Good? Bad? Somewhere in between? Comment below and let me know. Look forward to WBCR when chapter's available AND when I have the time to post it. Until then, you all stay classy now. Throwback & BCC 2 Match #9 will be up later. 

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