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Throughout the years


Bleach Segment Fridays (#5) - The Cladded in White Successor

As you know, this week's Bleach Segment will have to be Uryu for one reason - he is announced Juha Bach's successor. That's some big shoes to fill, but are the Vandrenreich convinced? Nope, not yet at least. We all know Uryu is a badass from the moment he crossed eyes with Ichigo to his arrows blazing the sky. Uryu has been alongisde Ichigo from the beginning (as in the first major story arc), but at first, Uryu was an enemy and a jerk to Ichigo's eyes. Flash forward later and he, alongside Ichigo, Orihime, and Chad go and rescue Rukia from execution and eventually Aizen's schemes. Uryu, cladded in white (picture) shows how powerful, badass, and probably how threatening he's become if Juha Bach enlists him as his successor. So it brings the question, Is Uryu Ishida an enemy or ally of Ichigo? From the looks of it, the Vandenreich are unconvinced and I think Ichigo and the rest are unaware of Uryu's meeting with Juha Bach. I mean we don't necessarily know how Uryu and Juha Bach met, but we all know if it's with a Quincy, they were bound to meet - it's fate that brought them together, but will Uryu's pride as a Quincy destroy his friendship with Ichigo or does he perhaps have some sort of trick up his sleeve? Anyways, that concludes this week's Bleach segment. Uryu has some shoes to fill, but it's the more merrier knowing that questions will hopefully be answered in the latest Bleach chapter. Stay classy ladies and gentlemen. Look forward to this week's Throwback and for all new segments (Affinities, Recollections, and Death God's Bebop next week). 

Photo courtesy of Mangastream (Bleach Chapter 543 - Letters)

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