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Bleach Fantasy Round 7: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez vs. Seymour Guado (The Trouble Upbringings)


Look at these two badasses - doesn't their hair say it all? One is the former  6th Espada under Aizen's army & the other is a major antagonist in FF X. Cruel and willing to do away with just about anyone, both Grimmjow & Seymour, with their spiky turquoise/purple hair, are fearsome in their abilities and pose as a true threat to our heroes. Today's BF post is the two badass antagonists with a troublesome past - Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez vs. Seymour Guado. The following will be compared: Backstory/Role in Story, Powers/Abilities, & Verdict (By Stillmattic). FF currently leads 4-2 against Bleach. As said before, my portions will be noted in Blue and MechG2994's in Purple. The titles are noted in Yellow.

Backstory/Role in Story (Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez)
Before Grimmjow had any affiliation towards Aizen, he was an Adjuchas-class Menos. Roaming about the land of Hueco Mundo, he attacked and ate just about anything that stood in his path in pursuit of power and wanting to become a Vasto Lorde-class Menos. It wasn't long before he became affiliated with what would become his Fraccion - Shawlong Koufang, Edrad Liones, Yylfordt Granz, Nakeem Grindina, and Di Roy Rinker. These then Adjuchas-class Menos were in awe of Grimmjow's abilities and just like Grimmjow, wanted to become Vasto Lorde-class Menos in pursuit of power. However, it would be awhile for all of them combined to go through such lengths for power and it seemed as if the the 5 Adjuchas-class Menos were about to give up. That is, however, until they asked Grimmjow to devour them so that he could become a Vasto Lorde. Grimmjow called them cowards, but reluctantly ate a portion of the 5 who then would become his Fraccion later on.

Grimmjow is first introduced in his Vasto Lorde form when the 4th and 0 Espada, Ulquiorra Cifer & Yammy Llargo, came back to inform Aizen of the events that took place in Karakura town against Ichigo, Kisuke, Yoruichi, and especially Orihime. Grimmjow and his Fraccion commented that leaving Ichigo & the group alive is a sign of weakness and if it were him, Grimmjow would've mopped the floor with them. However, Ulquiorra states that it was sort of a test to see if Ichigo truly was a threat to Aizen and it seemed like Ichigo wasn't "yet" at the peak of his performance. Grimmjow, angered by this, set out towards Karakura town in hopes to do collateral damage on the enemy side - only to lose his Fraccion and be summoned by Kaname to Aizen for his disobedience and recklessness in losing his Fraccion and attacking Ichigo without permission. Grimmjow was stripped of his title and temporarily replaced by Luppi Antenor. Luppi, Yammy, Wonderweiss, & Grimmjow set out again on order to Karakura Town. Ichigo was beaten badly by Grimmjow, but it wouldn't be long before Grimmjow fights him once more only to lose again because Ichigo's Mask broke and thus he lost the momentum. However, Grimmjow & co were bait for Aizen's true purpose - Orihime. Grimmjow's arm is healed by Orihime (upon Ulquiorra retrieving her) and he kills Luppi and earns back his title as 6th Espada. So far Grimmjow has beaten Ichigo twice and came to a draw with Shinji, but he fights Ichigo once more and this time, it seems as if Ichigo will prevail this time around. But before Grimmjow could fight Ichigo a 3rd time, Ulquiorra interrupted because of Grimmjow's rescuing of Rukia and hurting Loly & Menoly for his amusement. Grimmjow temporarily traps Ulquiorra and in the meantime, he has his final battle with Ichigo ~ finally releasing his Resurrecion. However, Grimmjow was beaten badly and just as Ichigo was telling Grimmjow to not fight anymore, Nnoitra attacks Grimmjow out of nowhere and that is (as of now) the last we see of Grimmjow. BUT - some speculate that Grimmjow was the one who saved Kisuke in the current Arc and he'll definitely appear in this arc - this time, as an ally.

Backstory/Role in Story (Seymour Guado)
Born to the Maester of Yevon, Jyscal Guado and an unknown human mother, Seymour’s birth was originally a means to establish an even stronger relationship between the Guado and the humans. However his existence made the tension between them even more intense and he became a source of pure hatred for both. As a result of this, Jyscal asked his retainer’s wife to take Seymour and his human wife out of Guadosalam and bring them to the Baaj Island to live in exile. In childhood, Seymour went to Zanarkand with his mother so that her mother could become part of the fayth and Seymour could use her Aeon incarnate, Anima as means to defeat Sin and bring the Calm so he can win the hearts of Spira. However, Seymour was overcome with grief after losing her mother once she became one with the fayth, refusing to accept company of people and spent the rest of his life in isolation. By the time Seymour grew up, his exile was revoked and he was brought back to Guadosalam and killed his father to become leader of the Guado and become the next Maester of Yevon and he vowed to become Sin to release Spira from the suffering of existence.

Seymour first encountered Yuna and her guardians by secretly enacting a fiend attack in Luca, interrupting the blitzball tournament and used it as means to win respect by summoning Anima to vanquish them. During the conclusion of Operation Mi’ihen, Seymour protects Yuna from the Sinspawn Gui before killing it with the aid of her help and Auron’s help. Seymour then gives Yuna a little lecture that to be a summoner is to be a beacon of strength to the people of Spira. Seymour grew intrigued by Yuna’s potential and offers her to let him be her beacon. While Yuna and her guardians stayed in Guadosalam, Seymour shows a sphere of Zanarkand before its ruins and Lady Yunalesca. After, Seymour asks Yuna if he could marry him as justification that Spira needs something to celebrate in the midst of the cycle of Sin. Departing to the Macalania Temple, he notices Auron’s unsent state and said that the Guado like scent of the Farplane. As Yuna entered the Farplane to perform the sending of Jyscal, she finds out that Jyscal’s murderer was Seymour himself and Yuna accepted Seymour’s marriage proposal. As soon as Seymour and Yuna ended their Cloister of Trials in the Macalania Temple, Yuna’s guardians confronted him and killed him and defeated his Aeon, Anima. Although Seymour dies, his strong ties to Spira and Yuna’s refusal to perform the sending made Seymour an unsent. During the wedding in Bevelle, when Yuna’s guardians crashed the ceremony, Seymour labeled them as traitors to Yevon and put them on trial to the rest of the Maesters. Yuna successfully convinces the Maesters that Seymour was the one who murdered his father. Seymour then starts revealing his true intentions, killing Maester Kinoc and explaining that is goal was to use Yuna and become the next Sin to kill everyone to save Spira. Seymour transforms into Seymour Natus after absorbing nearby pyreflies of dead souls and eventually was defeated. As Yuna and her guardians ventured on in the pilgrimage, Seymour encounters again in Mt. Gagazet and overhearing about Tidus’ father, Jecht being the current incarnation, Seymour extends his offer to Tidus by freeing his father and transforms into Seymour Flux, but he’s eventually defeated and vanishes again. During the final battle against Sin, Seymour reappears again inside the beast in hopes to control it from the inside and eventually he is defeated once and for all in his Seymour Omnis form and Yuna finally sends his soul off to the Farplane.

Powers/Abilities (Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez)
When first seeing Grimmjow's fight with Ichigo, he is seen being an expert hand-to-hand combat and Sonido as he blocked all of Ichigo's attacks and did a number on his face. As an Espada, he possesses incredible Spiritual energy, enhanced strength, hierro (Steel Skin), and is perceptive in his fight against as Ichigo as he was able to easily discern Ichigo's movements just from observation. With any Espada, he is capable of two things - Cero & Resurrecion. However, Grimmjow showcases an even upgraded version of Cero called Gran Ray Cero - a attack that is forbidden in Hueco Mundo because of the damage it could do to Las Noches. Grimmjow's true power lies in his Resurrecion - Pantera. Taking on the form of a Pantera-like being, Grimmjow's agility, hierro, and strength are greatly amplified. Grimmjow's attacks include firing bomb-like projectiles and his trademark Desgarron (Panther King's Claw) - his claws composed of Reishi representing a blade that can hurled at a maximum of 10 at a time. This attack acts as a ranged claw attack pretty much. 

Powers/Abilities (Seymour Guado)
Seymour is a unique FF character because he is a temporary playable party member as well as serving as one of the main antagonists in the game. As a temporary playable  character , he knows a handful of low level white magic and black magic spells and his weapon, the Seymour Staff, has the piercing ability to deal heavy damage against defensive-minded foes. His Overdrive attack, Requiem, deals some heavy non-elemental damage. As one of the main antagonist, he is fought in four forms: his mortal form, as Seymour Natus, Seymour Flux, and Seymour Omnis. As he goes from one form to another, his white/black magic spells increase in every form, his attributes/abilities add on from the previous form to the next such as having the ability to eject Yuna’s Aeons from the battlefield when summoned, and become more immune to certain physical and magic attacks. In his mortal form, his Aeon, Anima fights alongside him and Anima’s most effective attack is Pain, causing instant death to a party member regardless if HP is at full strength or near depletion.

Verdict (By Stillmattic)
And the winner is...
After quickly evaluating this, I knew that Seymour would take the cake on this one. He has more of a role in FF X than Grimmjow does in Bleach + Seymour has 4 forms. 4 FORMS! That means he progressively gets stronger offensively and defensively whereas Grimmjow only has 2 forms. 2 FORMS! That is not enough. And to top it off, SEYMOUR IS UNDEAD! Is Grimmjow undead? I don't think so. Grimmjow's story is not as sad as Seymour's upbringing because Grimmjow actually is sort of content with who he was whereas Seymour wasn't content at first and slowly began to realize his views through witnessing his Mother's "death" and having killed his own father to become a Maester. To me, Grimmjow is Aizen's B!t#h much like Barragan - he is powerful in his own right, but not on par with someone whose undead, has 4 forms, and is a major antagonist in FF X. Grimmjow, I love ya, but in a battle of upbringings, powers, and goals - Seymour wins. This victory clearly goes to Mr. Seymour. 

So who do you think would win a fight? Grimmjow from Bleach or Seymour from FF X? Comment below and let us know. As always, look forward to Bleach Fantasy posts every Monday & Friday all throughout May posted between 8am-11:59pm. Stay classy Bleach fans! FF leads 5-2 against Bleach

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